Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

23.5 Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules 975


Section 23.4: Electronic Spectra of Diatomic Molecules

23.33H^35 Cl has an important excited electronic state that lies
above the ground state by 77575 cm−^1. Describe the
bands in the ultraviolet spectrum arising from the
transition from the ground state to this excited electronic
state, including only the values 0 and 1 for the vibrational
quantum numbers andJ0, 1, and 2 for the rotational
quantum numbers. Give numerical values for the band
origin (corresponding to the forbidden transitionJ0to
J0) and the splittings between lines. The selection

rules allow∆vto have any value, but∆Jfollows the
same selection rules as for the microwave and infrared
spectra. Assume the harmonic oscillator–rigid rotor
energy levels. For the excited state^14

̃ve 2684 .0cm−^1 and ̃Be 9 .33 cm−^1

23.34Look up the necessary data and repeat the calculation of
Problem 23.33 for HBr. The data can be found in the
book by Huber and Herzberg.^15

23.5 Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules

The spectra of polyatomic molecules are more complicated than those of atoms or
diatomic molecules. As with diatomic molecules, rotational transitions can occur with-
out vibrational or electronic transitions, vibrational transitions can occur without elec-
tronic transitions but are generally accompanied by rotational transitions, and electronic
transitions are accompanied by both vibrational and rotational transitions.

Microwave Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules

Transitions between the rotational states of a polyatomic molecules can produce a
microwave spectrum. We will not discuss the details of the microwave spectra of
polyatomic molecules, but make some elementary comments.^16 As with diatomic
molecules, we apply the rigid-rotor approximation, assuming that a rotating poly-
atomic molecule is locked in its equilibrium conformation. Any molecule in its equi-
librium conformation must belong to one of four classes: linear molecules, spherical
top molecules, symmetric top molecules, and asymmetric top molecules.
As with diatomic molecules, the principal selection rule is that a permanent dipole
moment is required for a molecule to produce a microwave spectrum. Linear polyatomic
molecules have rotational wave functions exactly like those of diatomic molecules, so
their rotational selection rules and spectra are the same as those of diatomic molecules.
A symmetric linear molecule such as acetylene (ethyne) has no permanent dipole
moment, and does not have a microwave spectrum. The fact that N 2 O has a microwave
spectrum establishes the fact that it is NNO, not NON. Spherical top molecules such
as CCl 4 and SF 6 are so symmetrical that they cannot have a nonzero permanent dipole
moment, and they have no microwave spectrum. A symmetric top molecule with a
permanent dipole moment will have a microwave spectrum. A microwave spectrum
is always observed for an asymmetric top molecule, because it has so little symmetry
that it must have a nonzero permanent dipole moment.

(^14) K. P. Huber and G. Herzberg,Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, Vol. IV, Constants of Diatomic Molecules, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York,
1979, p. 284ff.
(^15) K. P. Huber and G. Herzberg,op. cit., p. 280ff (note 14).
(^16) J. C. Davis,op. cit., p. 322ff (note 2).

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