International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1

adjustment mechanism, in
international monetary
system, 230–33
Africa, 121, 278, 322, 380,
386, 389
aggregate national income, as
state interest related to
trade, 21
agriculture international tariffs
and, 93, 99, 102 Smoot-
Hawley Tariff Act and, 40–
Airbus, 314
Airbus Consortium, 189
Alaska Fisheries Act of 1926,
alcaba, 57, 58
Alcoa, 165
Alfonsín, Raúl, 427
Alliance of the Peoples of the
Forest, 398
Alt, James E., 301, 327, 343
alumina refining industry, 151–
American Apparel
Manufacturers Association,
American Challenge
(ServanSchreiber), 168
American Clothing and Textile
Workers Union , 373
American Farm Bureau
Federation, 39
American Federation of Labor,
39, 44
American Revolution, 59
American Soybean
Association, 375
American Textile
Manufacturers Institute,
373, 375
Amnesty International, 431

Anaconda, 165
anarchy, 12
Andrews, David, 459
Annis, Sheldon, 399
Anti-Corn Law League, 78,
antidumping proceedings, 467
Aquino, Corazon, 399, 425,
Arab-Israeli conflict, 165
arbitrage, 466–67
Argentina, 194, 324 inflation
and, 422, 424, 425 party
conflict in, 426 United
States automobile
production in, 373
Arnold, Thurman, 81
Articles of Confederation, 59
Asia.See also individual
countries currency crisis in,
383 economic development
and, 389–90 exchange rates
and, 262 inflation and, 422
investment and, 386
openness and, 387–88
assimilative capacity, 438
Association of German Steel
Producers, 96
Atlantic Alliance, 6
Australia, 141, 194, 322
Austria, 267
Austro-Hungarian Bank, 211
automobile industry auto
import restrictions and, 5–6
intemationalization of U.S.
market and, 370–71
NAFTA and, 373–74
AVX, 372

Baker plan, 403
balance of trade, protectionism
and, 311

Banco del Gottardo, 290
Bandini, Sallustio, 73
Bank Charter Act of 1844, 205
Bank for International
Settlements (BIS), 124, 250
Bank of England, 35, 224, 239
adjustment and, 230–31
Bank of France and, 211–
12, 218 creation of, 57 gold
standard and, 204, 209–10,
226 as lender of last resort,
31 Reichsbank and, 217,
Bank of France, 209, 210–13
Bank of Tokyo, 290
Bank Rate, 204
Banque Française du
Commerce Extérieur, 291
Baring Brothers, 207
Barings Crisis of 1890, 212
Barry, Brian, 420
Bayer, 141–42, 143
Belgium, 224, 267, 322, 359
Bello, Walden, 379, 392
Berliner, Diane T., 308, 309
Berlin Wall, 271, 393
Bismarck, Otto von, 86, 87, 92,
95–96, 97, 217
Blaine, James G., 104
Boeing, 314, 469
Boer War, 242
Bolivia, 426
Bowring, John, 79
Brady, Nicholas, 297
Brady plan, 403
Brander, J.A., 184
Brazil, 324 environmental
groups and, 398 inflation
and, 422, 423, 424, 425
party conflict in, 426
United States automobile
production in, 373


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