International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1

476 Index

Bread and Democracy in
Germany (Gershenkron), 91
Bretton Woods system, 7, 14,
32, 203, 220 adjustment
and, 232 breakup of, 195,
219 capital controls and,
282–83 features of, 236
hegemonic stability theory
and, 226–29 instability of,
240–41 liquidity and, 234–
36 maintenance of, 221
multilateralism and, 367
STIPs and, 189
Broad, Robin, 26, 379
Broz, Lawrence, 193, 194, 199
Bryan, William Jennings, 103–
4, 105, 264
Buchanan, Patrick, 470
Bulgaria, 241
Bulow, Bernhard, 98
Bundesbank, 271, 277, 278–79,
286, 287
Burke-Hartke Bill, 34
Busch, Marc L., 301, 353
Business Advisory Council,
Business Week, 168
Butler, Alison, 431, 433
Buy American regulations, 142

Caird, Sir James, 79
Canada, 322, 408, 463
capital controls decline in use
of, 280–81, 296–97 firm
behavior and, 283–85
France and, 281, 285, 291–
93 Germany and, 281, 285–
88 global finance and, 283–
85 Italy and, 281, 285,
293–95 Japan and, 281,
285, 288–91 multinational
enterprises and, 284–85
post-World War II, 282–83
capitalism, 188
Caprivi, Georg von, 95, 97, 98
carbon absorption services, 444
Cárdenas, Lázaro, 424
Carey, Henry, 82
Caribbean Basin Initiative
(CBI), 366 as alternative to
multilateralism, 367
electronics firms and, 372–
73 regionalism and, 368
Caribbean/Central American
Action (CCAA) lobby, 372

Carter, Jimmy, 249
Cavanaugh, John, 379, 392
Caves, Richard E., 143
Central Asia, 380
central bank cooperation, 217
centralization of authority, 174
Cerny, Philip G., 432, 446
CFA franc zone, 254
Chadwick, Richard, 27
Chamberlain, John, 77, 102
Chambers of Commerce, 376
Le Chapelier law, 84
Cheru, Fantu, 399
Chevalier, Michel, 76, 82–83
Chile, 141, 162, 384, 389, 422,
424, 426
China, 103, 121, 324, 379, 380,
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
Chrystal, Alec, 301, 303
Chun Doo-hwan, 428
citizens’ organizations for
developing countries, 397–
402 for environmental
protection, 398–99
Civil Rights Act, 352
Civil War (United States), 105,
107, 129–30
class conflict, 321, 323
Cleveland, Grover, 104
closed economy, 258
Coase, Ronald, 47–48, 145
Coase theorem, 435, 436
Cobden, Richard, 69, 78
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, 25,
30, 86, 99, 129, 136, 409
Coca Cola, 142, 175
Code on Capital Movements,
Cohen, Benjamin J., 195, 245
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 12
Cold War, economic
development after, 402–4
Colgate, 142
collective action, 328–30, 338–
40 globalization and, 446,
457–60 logic of, 459–60
state-based, 458–59
Colombia, 422, 424
colonialism, 70, 109–11
Committee of Twenty, 282
Common Market, 14, 32, 352
competition of capitals, 452
Conable, Barber, 392

Congress of German
Economists, 87
Constitution (United States),
Convention on International
Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES), 443
Corn Laws, 30, 31, 70 end of
agricultural protectionism
and, 25, 128 Gladstone and,
75 potato famine and, 35
repeal of, 76, 77–80, 83,
100, 101, 134 Zollverein
and, 77–80, 83, 86
Costa Rica, 397
Coughlin, Cletus, 301, 303
Cox, Ronald W., 301, 366
Crédit National, 291
Crimean War, 83
Current Population Survey, 344
Czech Republic, 241, 379

Darcy vs. Allein, 56
Darmsteder Bank, 216
Dataram, 372
Dawes Plan, 124
Declaration of Independence,
Decree of Mouharrem, 123
Delors Committee, 293
Denmark, 267, 359, 410
denomination rents, 207
dependency theorists, 11, 62,
167, 172
Deutsch, Karl, 27
Deutsche Bank, 216, 288, 296
Diplomacy firm-firm
diplomacy, 64–65 firms as
diplomats, 65–67 state-firm
diplomacy, 63–64
Direct to the Poor (Annis and
Hakim), 399
Disconto-Gesellschaft Bank,
Disraeli, Benjamin, 101
division of labor, 202
Dollar bloc, 131
Dresdener Bank, 216
Dunning, J.H., 171
Dupont, 394
Durning, Alan, 398
dynamic random access
memory (DRAM), 182

Earth Summit, 444
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