International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Index 477

East Caribbean dollar area, 254
East India Company, 75
Echeverría, Luis, 425
Economical Discourse
(Bandini), 73
Economic and Monetary Union
(EMU), 196, 254, 270–79,
293 advantages of, 277–78
coronation approach, 274
creation of, 270–72 criteria
for, 274–75 Europe as
optimal currency area for,
272–74 fiscal policy and,
275–77 impact of, on rest
of world, 277–78
Maastricht Treaty and, 272,
274 monetarists’ view, 274
economic development after
Cold War, 402–4
competition and, 387–88
credibility and, 386–87
differences in outcomes of,
386–88 free-market model
and, 393 historical
obstacles to, 48 inequality
and, 384 issues and, 47–50
markets and, 388–89
mechanics of, 384–85
policies and, 389–90 poor
and, 384–85 possibility of,
383 progress of, 391 public
sector focus and, 388
quality of, 385 as state
interest related to trade, 22
structural adjustment and,
396–97 theories of, 383–84
unresolved issues, 390–91
economic growth, as state
interest related to trade, 22
economic power, distribution
among states , 28–30
The Economics of Welfare
(Pigou), 434
The Economist, 443
EEC (European Economic
Community), 375
Egypt, 124–25
Eichengreen, Barry, 17, 193,
195, 220
electronics industry Caribbean
Basin Initiative and, 372–
73 internationalization of
U.S. market and, 370–71
Elliott, Kimberly Ann, 308,

El Salvador, 372, 397
embedded-liberalism, 189–90
embourgeoisement, 63
emissions tax, 437–38, 439
employment, protectionism
and, 312
encadrement du crédit, 291
environment citizens’
organizations and, 398–99
government regulation of,
environmental policy Coase
theorem and, 436 concerns
about, 444–45 distortion of
trade by, 441 economic
rationale for, 434–38
effects on trade, 439–40
externalities and, 434–35
government regulations
and, 436–37 international
policy and, 442–43 North-
South issues, 443–44
pollution across national
boundaries and, 441
pollution within national
boundaries and, 439–40
property rights and, 435
environmental quality, 436
country choices related to,
438–39 trade-related
aspects of, 438–43
Esprit, 189
Eureka, 189
Eurocurrency, 61
Europe exchange rate politics
since 1970, 266–68 free
trade, historical view, 73–
88 joblessness in, 345 as
optimal currency area, 272–
European Central Bank, 275,
276, 277, 278
European Commission, 276
European Community (EC), 7,
196, 254, 255, 262, 270,
271, 272, 297
European Court of Justice, 295
European Monetary System
(EMS), 203, 219, 255, 261,
266–68, 271
European Union (EU), 431
creation of, 272 exchange
rate politics and, 266–68
Uruguay Round and, 301

Examen du Systéme
Commercial (Chevalier), 82
exchange controls,
protectionism and, 307
exchange rate, 200–201, 207,
251–53, 278 appreciation
and, 260 historical view,
261–68 implications of,
268–69 pegged, 282, 286,
295 policy preferences,
259–60 politics of, 257–61
United States trade policy
and, 361–62
exchange rate mechanism
(ERM), 266
excludability, 329
Export-Import Bank, 307
Exxon, 165

Fabius, Laurent, 292
factor content analysis, 349–50
factor endowments, model of,
factor price equalization, 344,
347–48, 351–52
fair trade, 315–16, 467
Fair Trade league, 100
Farm Bloc, 39
fascism, 452
Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, 33, 225, 226, 265,
Feldstein, Martin, 463
Ferruzi, 295
Fiat, 295
Fieldhouse, David, 144, 167
Financial Reform (Parnell), 76
Finanzplatz Deutschland, 288
Finland, 267, 359
Finlay, Kirman, 75
Firestone Tires, 143
firms as diplomats, 65–67 firm-
firm diplomacy, 64–65
First Development Plan, 162
First Hand, 74, 75
Fleming, J.Marcus, 283
Ford, 116, 142
Ford, Henry, 44
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
of 1922, 25, 33, 39, 40, 43
foreign direct investment
(FDI), 143–44, 167, 170,
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