International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1

478 Index

Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Control Law of 1949,
288, 289
foreign loans, 117–18, 123–25
Foreign Policy, 398
Foreign Trade and Payments
Act, 286
France, 30, 31, 32, 34, 103,
359 capital controls and,
281, 285, 291–93
colonialism and, 70
development of controls in,
291–92 domestic monetary
policy of, 210–11 domestic
politics of monetary policy,
213–14 free trade,
historical view, 81–84 gold
standard and, 205, 210–14,
218–19, 224 international
effects of monetary
priorities, 211–13
international monetary
policy of, 210–11
mercantilism, historical
view, 69 monetary system
and, 194, 271 openness
score of, 273 reasons for
liberalization in, 292–93
retreat from trade
liberalism, 412 tariff levels,
historical view, 99–100
trade proportions and, 26
free contract, 466
Freeman, Richard B., 301, 343
free-rider problem, 113, 115,
free trade causes of, 87–88
gains from, 304–5
historical view, 73–88
free-trade imperialism, 77, 79–
French and Indian War, 59
Frieden, JeffryA., 71, 109, 195,
Friedman, Thomas, 461
Fuji, 467

García, Alán, 427
gemeinschaftlich, 458, 459
General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT), 13, 14,
127, 134, 135
environmental policy and,
443 free trade and, 300
globalization and, 454

multilateralism of, 367, 372
nontariff barriers to trade
and, 353, 354 openness
and, 130 purpose of, 299
replacement of, 299 tariff
reductions and, 32, 365
tariffs and, 300, 306
Genoa Economic and Financial
Conference, 225–26
Gephardt amendment, 315
Germany, 31, 32, 41–42, 103,
108, 359 banking and
industry development in,
216 capital controls and,
281, 285–88 colonialism
and, 70 development of
controls in, 285–87
domestic monetary policy
of, 214–17 exchange rate
and, 266, 267 expansion of
trade and, 321–23 free
trade, historical view, 84–
87 gold standard and, 205,
214–17, 218–19, 224
international effects of
monetary priorities, 217
international monetary
policy of, 214–17 monetary
system and, 194, 271–72,
277, 278, 279 most-
favored-nation status and,
238 nontariff barriers to
trade and, 362 openness
score of, 273 ratio of wage
rates to farm rents, 410
reasons for liberalization
in, 287–88 reparations
payments and, 33 retreat
from trade liberalism, 412
tariff levels, historical view,
Gerschenkron, Alexander, 41,
42, 45, 91, 93, 97
Getty, J.Paul, 159
Gewerbefreiheit, 86
Gilligan, Michael, 301, 327,
Gilpin, Robert, 136
Gladstone, John, 75
Glass, Carter, 265
global business strategy, 174
globalization, 431, 432
arbitrage and, 466–67
collective action and, 446,
457–60 consequences of,

469–70 debate, 461–70
definition of, 447
government growth and,
464–65 inequality and. See
globalization and inequality
limits of, 462–63 public
goods problem and, 453–56
public ownership of
strategic industries and, 455
relevance of, 463–64 Third
World and, 455 trade
growth and, 464–65
globalization and inequality
after World War I, 414–15
historical view, 405–6
hypotheses about, 406
impact on trends, 1870–
1913 , 412–14 in late
nineteenth century, 408–10
in late twentieth century,
406–7 migration issues and,
409–10 trade issues and,
409 before World War I,
global warming, 442
Gold Democrats, 104, 105, 106
Goldsmith, Sir James, 461
gold standard, 4, 31, 193, 195,
261 dynamics of
hegemonic decline and,
240–43 historical view,
204–19, 223–25 interwar
gold exchange standard,
225–26 principles of, 204
suspension of, 206
Goldwater, Barry, 104
Gonzalez Amendment, 165
Goodman, John B., 196, 280
Gourevitch, Peter Alexis, 71,
Grant, Ulysses, 264
Great Britain, 103, 222, 287,
304, 359 Bretton Woods
system and, 226–29
colonialism and investment,
118–26 domestic sources of
gold standard policies,
205–8 economic power, 28,
29, 30 exchange rate and,
266, 267 expansion of trade
and, 321–23 free trade,
historical view, 69–71, 75–
81 gold standard and, 204–
10, 218–19, 223–24
institutional change in, 56–
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