International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Index 479

57 international effects of
monetary priorities, 208–10
monetary system and, 194,
271 openness score of, 273
open trading structure,
historical view, 30–34 ratio
of wage rates to farm rents,
410 role of ruler in,
historical view, 55 tariff
levels, historical view, 100–
102 trade proportions and,
Great Britain hegemony
adjustment and, 230–31
compared to American,
127–39 history of, 128–29
international economic
processes and, 136–37
international economic
structures and, 132–33
international political
processes and, 133–36
international political
structures and, 131–32
Great Depression, 14, 33, 378,
453 closure and, 136
protectionism and, 299
Smoot-Hawley Tariff and,
37, 45–46 stock market
crash of 1929 and, 129
Great Wheel, 193
Greece, 359, 379
greenback populism, 263–64
Green Forum, 398
Greenpeace, 431
Greider, William, 468–69
Gresham’s law, 241
gross domestic product (GDP),
gross national product (GNP),
Group of Seven (G-7), 245,
250, 254, 255, 278, 297
Group of Ten, 238
guild system, 74

Haggard, Stephan, 379
Haiti, 397
Hakim, Peter, 399
Hamilton, Alexander, 377
hard money, 263
Haribon, 398–99
Harrison, Benjamin, 104
Hart, Jeffrey A., 144, 180
Havana Charter, 299

Heckscher-Ohlin theory, 182,
184, 240, 331, 347–48, 407,
412, 413
hegemonic cooperation, 243
hegemonic stability theory, 12,
139 adjustment and, 230–
33 application of, 221
Bretton Woods system and,
226–29 dynamics of
decline and, 239–43 gold
standard and, 223–25
international monetary
system and, 221–22
interwar gold exchange
standard and, 225–26
lender of last resort and,
237–39 liquidity and, 233–
hegemony American compared
to British, 127–39 Great
Britain, history of, 128–29
open trading structure
preference, 23 United
States, history of, 129–30
Hermesdorf, James E., 433
heterodox adjustment
strategies, 427
Hickenlooper Amendment, 165
Hickok, Susan, 308, 309, 311
High Farming, 78–79
Hirschman, Albert, 418
Hobbes, Thomas, 12
Hoffman, Stanley, 255
home countries, 111
Honda, 368
Hong Kong, 64, 378, 387
Hope and Company, 207
Horioka, Charles, 463
horizontal multinational
enterprise (MNE), 146–49,
host countries, 111
Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, 308,
Hull, Cordell, 14
Hume, David, 80
Hume, James Deacon, 80
Hume’s law, 80, 81
Hundred Years War, 56
Huntington, Samuel, 401
Huskisson, William, 76, 80
Hymer, S.H., 169–70, 173,
177, 178, 179

Hyundai, 368, 394

IBM, 164
immiseration, 343, 344–45,
Imperial Chemical Industries,
imperialism, 11, 110, 167, 168
industrialization (ISI), 378,
impossible trilogy principle,
income redistribution,
protectionism and, 311
India, 119, 124–25, 141, 401
Indochina, 141
Indonesia, 389, 423, 426
industrial policy definition of,
180 history of, 181
strategic trade theory and,
181 theories, 182–83
inequality. See globalization
and inequality
infant-industries protectionism
and, 312–13 STIPs and
policies of, 190
inflation, 195 Asian countries
and, 422, 423, 425 fiscal
policy and, 418–19 Latin
America and, 422–25 in
middle-income countries,
422–26 political economy
of, 418–19 stabilization of,
417, 426–29
institutions definition of, 50
enforcement of, 51 function
of, 53 nature of, 50–53
sources of change in, 53–54
integrated circuit (IC) industry,
Intel, 182
Inter-American Development
Banks, 164
International Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development. See World
International Covenant on
Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, 399
international finance, 61–62,
International Finance
Corporation, 387
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