International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Index 481

Kulturkampf, 96, 326
Kuznets, Simon, 384
Kuznets Hypothesis, 384

Laird, Sam, 359
laisser-faire, 76, 81, 254
laisser faire, laisser passer, 73
Lake, David A., 71, 127, 220
Lall, Sanjay, 172–73
lame duck syndrome, 455
land-labor ratio, 320
latifundia, 216
Latin America, 58–59, 157,
159, 380. See also
individual countries
breakdown of British
investment in, 120
dependency theorists and,
62, 169 exchange rates and,
262 inflation and, 422–25
multinationals and, 177,
179 party conflict and,
422–25 policies and, 389
Latin Monetary Union, 210,
224, 254
Lausanne Conference, 33
Law 159 of 1976, 294
Lawrence, Robert, 351, 413
League of Nations, 71
lean management, 456
lean production, 370
lender of last resort, in
international monetary
system, 237–39
Lenin, V.I., 11, 168
Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 470
less developed areas (LDAs),
less developed countries
(LDCs) , 143, 171, 380,
leveling the playing field, 467,
Lewis, Arthur, 384
liberalism, 9, 10, 13
liquidity, in international
monetary system, 233–37
List, Friedrich, 12, 98, 181
logrolling, 94–95, 106
London Monetary Conference,
33, 250
Louis Napoleon, 30, 83
low-skilled workers, 343–52
demand for, 343–44, 349–
50 factor content studies

and, 349–50 factor price
equalization and, 347–48,
351–52 immiseration of,
344–45, 351 price effects
studies and, 351 trade with
Third World and, 346 wage
inequality in United States
and, 345
low-wage competition, 468
Luxembourg, 267
Luxembourg Economic Union,

Maastricht Treaty, 189, 270,
272, 274, 275, 276, 278
Machiavelli, Niccoló, 12
Madrid, Miguel de la, 425
magnification effect, 331
majoritarianism, 337, 340
Malaysia, 422, 423, 425
Manchester Air Pollution
Advisory Board, 434
Manchester School, 30, 81
Mansfield, Edward D., 301,
Marcos, Ferdinand, 425, 428
market-clearing equilibrium
definition of, 1
Marshall Plan, 7, 229, 235,
237, 239, 403
Marx, Karl, 3, 10–11, 380
Marxism, 9, 10–12, 13, 168
mass production, 370
The Material Interests of
France in Roads, Canals
and Railroads (Chevalier),
McCallum, John, 463
McGovern, George, 104
McKenna Duties, 131
McKinley, William, 104, 105,
Méline Tariff of 1892, 99, 129
mercantilism, 69
Merchants of the Staple, 56
Mesta, 57
Mexico, 141 inequality and,
415 inflation and, 422, 423,
424, 425 tuna-dolphin
dispute with United States,
444 United States
automobile production in,
142, 369, 373
Middle East, 121, 157, 177

migration, impact on
globalization and
inequality, 409–10, 412–14
Mill, John Stuart, 3
Mitterrand, François, 292
mobile factors model, 318–19,
321, 325, 326, 330–32
The Money Question, 262, 266
Monopoly, multinational
corporations and, 176, 177–
Monopoly Capital (Baran and
Sweezy), 168
Montedison, 295
Morgan Grenfell, 288
Morkre, Morris E., 308
most-favored-nation (MFN)
status, 300
muckrakers, 38
Multifibre Arrangement, 359
multilateralism, 366, 367, 374–
multinational corporation
(MNC) affiliates of, 116,
122, 141 current number of,
141 definition of, 141, 167
direct economic benefits of,
170–71 indirect economic
benefits of, 170–71
monopoly and, 176, 177–78
multinational corporations
(MNCs) and Third World,
156–66 bargaining power of
host state, 157, 158–65,
166 capital flows and, 173
characteristics of foreign
investment project, 160–61
competition for investment
opportunities and, 159–60
dependency theory, 172
domestic constraints and,
161, 162–63 global
integration and, 163–64
home government of
multinationals and, 164–65
as imperial system, 168–75,
178 improved position of
host state, 157 international
constraints and, 161, 163–
65 managerial skills of host
state and, 158–59, 173–74
multinational corporations
(MNCs) and Third World
(cont.) obsolescing bargain
and, 160 policy
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