International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1

482 Index

implications for host
governments, 166 power
factors, 156–57 state
sovereignty and, 175–79
technology and, 174–75
multinational enterprise
(MNE), 141 capital
controls and, 284–85
definition of, 145 as
economic organization,
145–55 horizontal
multiplant enterprises and,
146–49 portfolio
diversification and, 154
proprietary assets of, 147–
48 service industries and,
149 transaction-cost
approach to, 146, 148 types
of, 154–55 vertically
integrated, 149–54
Mundell, Robert, 251, 252, 283
Mussolini, Benito, 293
mutual compensation principle,

Napoleonic Wars, 75, 206
Nash equilibrium, 247
National Association of
Manufacturers, 376
National Association of Wheat
Growers, 375
National Bank of Belgium, 241
national defense, 310
National Flat Panel Display
Initiative, 189
National Grange, 39
Navigation Acts, 58, 77, 80,
neoclassical theory, of trade,
20, 182, 184
Neri, Pompeo, 73
Nestlé, 143
Netherlands, 267, 359
exchange rate and, 267 free
trade, historical view, 74–
75 monetary system and,
271 natural resources and,
273 trade proportions and,
New Deal, 45, 323, 452
newly industrialized countries
(NICs), 185, 187, 378–79,
Newton, Sir Isaac, 223
New York Times, 461, 467

New Zealand, 322, 359
Nigeria, 387
Nixon, Richard, 4, 195
Nixon Shocks, 130
nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), 431
nontariff barriers to trade
(NTBs), 301, 353, 354
cross-national patterns of,
354, 363–64 domestic
institutions and, 356–57
incidence of, 357–58 model
of, 359–61 proportional
representation and, 361
relative size of state and,
356 statistical findings for,
361–63 tariffs and, 358
unemployment and, 362
variation in, 360–61
norms of behavior, 51–52, 53
North, Douglass C., 17, 47
North America, 58–59
North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), 301,
352, 366 as alternative to
multilateralism, 367, 374–
76 auto firms and, 373–74
protectionism and, 374–76
regionalism and, 368, 374–
Northwest Ordinance, 59
Norway, 267, 359

oil industry, 152
oil shock of 1973, 294
Olivetti, 295
Olson, Mancur, 253, 447
One World, Ready or Not—
The Manic Logic of Global
Capitalism (Greider), 468–
open economy, 258
optimum currency area, 272–74
optimum tariff, protectionism
and, 311
Organization for Economic
Cooperation and
Development (OECD), 250,
262, 296, 309–10, 362, 405,
Organization for European
Economic Cooperation, 238
Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
(OPEC), 2, 4, 121, 311

O’Rourke, Kevin H., 413, 414
Ottawa Conference, 26
Ottoman Public Debt
Administration, 123–24

Pacific Western Oil Company,
Pakistan, 385
paper gold, 193
Pareto, Vilfredo, 328, 329
Pareto optimum, 247
Parliament, supremacy of, 56–
Parnell, Sir Henry, 76
Partido Revolucionario
Institucional (PRI), 424
Pastor, Robert A., 39
Pauly, Louis W., 196, 280
Pax Americana, 15–16, 128,
Pax Britannica, 15, 70, 128,
138, 194
Peel, Sir Robert, 78, 80, 101
Peel’s Act of 1819, 205
pegged exchange rates, 282,
286, 295
PEMEX, 420
People’s Agrarian Reform
Code, 399
Perot, Ross, 376, 461
personal exchange, 48–49, 50
Peru, 424
Philippines, 415, 428 citizens’
organizations in, 398
environmental protection
in, 398–99 inflation and,
422, 423, 425 land
distribution problem in,
399–400 prawn farming in,
396–97 structural
adjustment loans to, 397
Phillips curve, 252
Pigou, A.C., 434
Plaza Agreement, 245, 249,
Polan, 241
political coalitions collective
action and, 328–30, 338–40
declining trade and, 323–24
distribution of income and,
337 expanding trade and,
321–23 factor mobility and,
336 political institutions
and, 336–37, 340–41
predictions about, 334–36
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