International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Index 483

Ricardo-Viner model and,
334–36, 342 Stolper-
Samuelson theorem and,
318–19, 334, 335, 337, 342
three-factor model and, 320
political economies of scale,
447 assets and, 448–50
goods and, 448–50
historical evolution of,
450–53 second industrial
revolution and, 451–52
political economy historical
background of, 3 inflation
and, 418–19 institutional
factors and, 421–22
meanings of, 1 new
political economy,
contributions of, 419–21
resurgence of, 3–4
political power, as state interest
related to trade, 21
Polluter Pays Principle (PPP),
Populism, 104, 106, 423–24,
Portugal, 266, 267, 304, 379,
408, 412
Prakash, Aseem, 144, 180
Prebisch, Raúl, 387
Prem Tinsulanon, 428
price effects studies, 351
price stability, 263, 265
Price Stabilization Bill, 265
primary production for export,
115–16, 121–22
Principles of Political
Economy and Taxation
(Ricardo), 304
The Problem of Social Cost
(Coase), 47
processes, definition of, 447
product cycle theory, 142–43
product standards, 307
property rights, 49–50, 51,
111–13, 206, 435
proportional representation
(PR), 357, 361
Prosterman, Roy, 399
protectionism, 6, 303, 355
balance of trade and, 311
costs of, 308–10, 316
employment and, 312
exchange controls, 307–8
forms of, 305–8 income
redistribution and, 311

infant industries and, 312–
13 interest groups and, 317
national defense and, 310
optimum tariff and, 311
proliferation of, 316
purpose of, 309 quotas, 306
reason for, 316–17
reciprocity and, 315–16
regulatory barriers, 307
spillover effects, 313
strategic trade policy and,
314 subsidies, 307 tariffs,
306 United States and,
308–9 in wake of NAFTA,
public goods, 147, 449, 453–56
public utilities, 117, 122–23

quotas, 306

race to the bottom, 468
rainforests, 443–44
Reagan, Ronald, 249
realism, 9, 12, 13
reciprocal noninterference, 38,
Reciprocal Trade Agreements
Act, 14, 26, 32, 34, 130,
reciprocity, protectionism and,
Red Line Agreement of 1928,
Reform Bill of 1832, 76, 78
regionalism, 366, 368, 374–76
regional trade agreements
(RTAs), 366 industrial
restructuring and, 369–70
internationalization of U.S.
market and, 370–71
regulatory barriers, 307
Reichsbank, 211, 215, 217, 224
relative acceptance indicator
(RA), 27
Report on Manufactures
(Hamilton), 378 research
and development (R&D),
149, 161, 168
Resumption Act, 264
Reynolds, 165
Ricardo, David, 69, 181, 182,
184, 304
Ricardo-Viner model, 330,
332–34, 342
Rodrik, Dani, 432, 461

Rogoff, Kenneth, 248
Rogowski, Ronald, 301, 318,
327, 338, 340, 343, 356
Roh Tae-woo, 428
Roosevelt, Franklin, 14, 71,
265, 452
Rothschild, Nathan, 207
Ruggie, J.G., 189
rules, 50–51, 52, 53
Russia, 31, 211, 214, 380. See
also Soviet Union
Russian State Bank, 211
Rybczynski theorem, 331

Sachs, Jeff, 351
Safeguarding of Industry
Duties, 131
Saks Fifth Avenue, 143
Salinas, Carlos, 425
Samuelson, Paul, 318, 330
Sarney, José, 427
Saudi Arabia, 159
Scandinavian Monetary Union,
scarce currency proposal, 228
Schattschneider, E.E., 36, 37–
38, 39, 328, 329
Second Hand, 74, 75
second industrial revolution,
Sematech, 189
Senate Banking and Commerce
Committee, 265
Servan-Schreiber, J.J., 168,
169, 171
Seven Sisters, 157
Shatz, Howard, 351
Shell, 143
Sherman Silver Purchase Act,
The Silent Revolution in Africa
(Cheru), 399
silver, in monetary system,
210, 224, 264
silver populism, 263, 264
Silver Purchase Act, 104
Singapore, 64, 378
Single European Act, 189, 270,
site-specific assets, protection
of, 113–14
Slaughter, Matthew, 351, 413
Slovenia, 379
Smith, Adam, 3, 48, 52, 69, 80,
85, 181, 182, 183
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