International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1

484 Index

Smith, Prince, 85
Smithsonian Agreement, 250
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 17,
26, 33, 36, 71, 306, 328
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
(cont.) agricultural distress
and, 40–41, 42–43 Great
Depression and, 37, 45–46
manufacturing and, 43–44
organized labor and, 44
political pressures for, 37–
41 tariff-making model
applied to, 41–45
social stability, as state interest
related to trade, 21
soft money, 206, 263
Soros, George, 461
SouthAfrica, 119, 141, 194
South Korea, 378, 385, 388,
390, 392 economic growth
in, 393–95 government’s
role in economy in, 400
inflation and, 422, 423,
425–26 populist military
government in, 426, 427
Soviet Union, 15, 32, 63, 64,
379, 380, 386, 402. See
also Russia
Spain, 408 exchange rate and,
266, 267 institutional
change in, 57–58
mercantilism, historical
view , 69 monetary system
and, 271 ratio of wage rates
to farm rents, 410 retreat
from trade liberalism, 412
role of ruler in, historical
view, 55
Special Drawing Right (SDR),
specialization, 49, 50, 304–5
specific factors model, 330,
Spencer, B.J., 184
spillover effects, of
protectionism, 313
Squire, Lyn, 379, 383
Sri Lanka, 385
Stabilization Fund, 228
Stalinism, 452
Standard Oil, 168, 176, 177
state-firm diplomacy, 63–64
state-owned enterprises
(SOEs), 420
Stiglitz, Joseph E., 379, 383

Stolper, Wolfgang, 318, 330
Stolper-Samuelson theorem,
321, 325, 326 collective
action and, 330–32 political
coalitions and, 318–19,
334, 335, 337, 342
Strange, Susan, 17, 60
strategic trade and industrial
policies (STIPs), 180–91
controversy over, 190–91
criticism of, 187–88
embedded-liberalism and,
189–90 implications for
study of international
political economy, 188–90
infant-industry policies and,
190 logic of, 185–88
purpose of, 190
Streeten, Paul, 172–73
Strong, Benjamin, 225
structural adjustment, failure
of, 396–97
Structural Impediment
Initiative, 186
structures, definition of, 447
subsidies, 307
Suez Canal, 125
Sumitomo Bank, 290
Sweden, 267, 410
Switzerland, 137, 224, 293,

Taiwan, 378, 392, 394, 422,
423, 425
Tanzania, 386
Tariff Act of 1930, 38
tariff levels basic facts about,
91 economic explanations
of, 92–95, 106 economic
ideology explanations of,
92, 98, 108 international
system explanations of, 92,
97–98, 108 political system
explanations of, 92, 95–97,
Tariff of 1879, 100
Tariff of 1881, 100
tariffs, 306, 358
Tariff Schedules of the United
States Annotated, 307
Tarr, David G., 308
Tarzi, Shah H., 144, 156
Taylor, Alan M., 413, 414
technology, as structural
change, 61

Thailand, 389, 390, 422, 423,
Thiers, Adolphe, 99
Third Hand, 74, 75
third industrial revolution,
scale shift and, 456–57
third-party enforcement, 52
Third World, 62 effect of trade
with, on low-skilled
workers, 346 foreign direct
investment and, 143–44
globalization and, 455
multinationals and. See
multinational corporations
(MNCs) and Third World
Thucydides, 12
Tokyo Round, 130, 365
Toshiba, 182
Toyota, 368
trade arguments for restriction
of, 310–16 effects of
environmental policy on,
439–40 fundamental
problem of, 327 gains from,
304–5 impact on
globalization and
inequality, 409
misunderstanding about,
468–69 political effects of
decline in, 323–24 political
effects of expanding, 321–
23 protection of. See
protectionism reasons for,
438 theories, 305
Trade Act of 1974, 34
Trade and the Environment,
Trade Expansion Act of 1962,
trade policy definition of, 180
history of, 181 interaction
of societal and statist
factors and, 357–58
nontariff barriers to trade
and, 353–65 societal
approach to, 353, 354–55,
364 statist approach to,
353, 355–57, 364 theories,
183–85 World War II and,
5, 7
train surfing, 393
transaction costs, 449
transborder communication, 62
transborder transport, 62
transfrontier pollution, 441–43
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