International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, Fourth Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Index 485

transnational corporations, 66
transnational corporations
(TNCs). See multinational
corporations (MNCs)
transnational enterprises
(TNEs). See multinational
enterprises (MNEs)
Treatise on Money (Keynes),
Treaty of Rome, 168, 270, 272
Treaty on European Union, 466
The Triad, 245, 250
trickle down theory, 384
Triffin, Robert, 240
Tripartite Agreement, 250
Tripartite Declaration, 34
Truman, Harry, 299
Turkey, 397, 415
Tyson, L.D., 185

U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
Ukraine, 380
UN Conference on
Environment and
Development, 403
UNCTAD (UN Conference on
Trade and Development),
62, 359, 395
Underwood Tariff Act, 130
UN Economic Commission for
Africa, 397, 403
Unholy Trinity, 195, 246,
Union for the Promotion of
Free Trade, 87
Union of Agriculturalists, 97
United Automobile Workers
Union, 371
United Fruit, 176, 177
United Nations Children’s
Fund, 393
United States, 222, 287, 359
automobile industry and,
370–71, 373–74 Bretton
Woods system and, 226–29
costs of protectionism in,
308–9 economic power, 28,
29, 30 electronics industry
and, 371 exchange rate

politics and, 262–66, 361–
62 expansion of trade and,
321–23 export production
from Mexico and, 369–70
globalization and inequality
in , 406–7, 408 Intel-
nationalization of market
and, 369–71 isolationism
and, 71 monetary system
and, 194–95 nontariff
barriers to trade and, 361–
62 openness score of, 273
open trade structure,
historical view, 32, 33–34
protectionism and, 6 Soviet
Union and, 15 tariff levels,
historical view, 102–8 trade
proportions and, 26 trade
with Canada and, 463 tuna-
dolphin dispute with
Mexico, 444 wage
inequality and, 345
United States hegemony, 15–16
compared to Great Britain,
127–39 history of, 129–30
international economic
processes and, 136–37
international economic
structures and, 132–33
international political
processes and, 133–36
international political
structures and, 131–32
liquidity and, 236
Universal Exposition of 1855,
Universal Studios, 143
urban-rural conflict, 321, 323
Uruguay, 422, 424, 426, 427
Uruguay Round, 300–301, 444,
U.S.-Canada free trade
agreement, 368

Venezuela, 124, 389, 422, 424
Verein Deutscher Eisen und
Stahl-Industrielle, 86–87
Vergennes, Treaty of, 73, 76,
80, 81
Vernon, Raymond, 142

vertically integrated
multinational enterprise
(MNE), 149–54 empirical
evidence for, 151–52
horizontal MNEs and,
153–54 manifestations
of, 152–54 models of,
Vietnam, 324, 379, 380, 395
Vietnam War, 236
VLSI (very large-scale
integrated circuits)
Program, 189
Volkswagen, 142
Voluntary Steel Agreement, 34

Wage Earners Protective
Conference, 44
Walker Tariff, 134
White plan, 227–28
Williamson, Jeffrey A., 377,
405, 413, 414
Williamson, Oliver, 447
Wood, Adrian, 349–50, 406,
407, 413
Wood, Geoffrey E., 301, 303
World Bank, 13, 14, 130, 135
adjustment packages and,
395 import-substituting
industrialization and, 378
multilateralism and, 376
multinationals and, 164
World Trade Organization
(WTO), 190, 299, 300, 354,
366, 454, 467
World War I, 14, 70, 206
World War II, 13
Worldwatch Institute, 398
Wyplosz, Charles, 196

Xian Aircraft Company, 469

Yeats, Alexander, 359
Young Plan, 124

Zenith, 371
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 470
Zollverein, 25, 75, 77, 79, 83,
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