The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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6-ConceptsProbability Page 196 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 3:00 PM

196 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

This expression generalizes to the case of n random variables. Using
matrix notation, the joint normal probability distributions of the random
n vector V = {Xi}, i = 1,2,...,n has the following expression:

V = {}Xi ∼Nn (μμμμ, ΣΣΣ)


μi = EX[]i

and ΣΣΣΣis the variance-covariance matrix of the {Xi}

ΣΣΣΣ= E[(V – μμμμ)(V – μμμμ)

  • ¹₂
    f ()v = [( 2 π)
    ΣΣΣΣ] exp[(–¹₂)(v – μμμμ)

  • 1
    (v – μμμμ)]

where ΣΣΣΣ = detΣΣΣΣ, the determinant of ΣΣΣΣ.
For n = 2 we find the previous expression for bivariate normal, tak-
ing into account that variances and correlation coefficients have the fol-
lowing relationship

σij = ρijσiσj

It can be demonstrated that a linear combination


W = ∑αiXi

i = 1

of n jointly normal random variables Xi ∼N(μi, σi^2 ) with cov(Xi,Xj) =
σij is a normal random variable WN∼ (μW, σW^2 )where


μW= ∑αiμi

i = 1

n n

W = ∑ ∑αiαjσij

i = 1 j = 1
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