The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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9-DifferntEquations Page 256 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:51 PM

256 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

This is a system of 1,000 equations in 1,000 unknowns. Solving the
system we compute the entire solution. In this system two equations, the
first and the last, are linked to boundary values; all other equations are
transfer equations that express the dynamics (or the law) of the system.
This is a general feature of boundary value problems. We will encounter it
again when discussing numerical solutions of partial differential equations.
In the above example, we chose a forward scheme where the derivative
is approximated with the forward difference quotient. One might use a dif-
ferent approximation scheme, computing the derivative in intervals cen-
tered around the point x. When derivatives of higher orders are involved,
the choice of the approximation scheme becomes critical. Recall that when
we approximated first and second derivatives using forward differences, we
were required to evaluate the function at two points (i,i+ 1) and three
points (i,i+ 1,i+ 2) ahead respectively. If purely forward schemes are
employed, computing higher-order derivatives requires many steps ahead.
This fact might affect the precision and stability of numerical computations.
We saw in the examples that the accuracy of a finite difference
scheme depends on the discretization interval. In general, a finite differ-
ence scheme works, that is, it is consistent and stable, if the numerical
solution converges uniformly to the exact solution when the length of
the discretization interval tends to zero. Suppose that the precision of an
approximation scheme depends on the length of the discretization inter-
val ∆x. Consider the difference δf= ˆ f()x – fx()between the approxi-
mate and the exact solutions. We say that δf→ 0 uniformly in the
interval [a,b] when ∆x→0 if, given any εarbitrarily small, it is possible
to find a ∆xsuch that δf< ε, ∀x∈ [ab, ].


Systems of differential equations describe dynamical systems that evolve
starting from initial conditions. A fundamental concept in the theory of
dynamical system is that of the stability of solutions. This topic has
become of paramount importance with the development of nonlinear
dynamics and with the discovery of chaotic phenomena. We can only
give a brief introductory account of this subject whose role in econom-
ics is still the subject of debate.
Intuitively, a dynamical system is considered stable if its solutions
do not change much when the system is only slightly perturbed. There
are different ways to perturb a system: changing parameters in its equa-
tions, changing the known functions of the system by a small amount,
or changing the initial conditions.
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