The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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10-StochDiffEq Page 270 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:51 PM

270 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

t t

Zt( ω , ) = ∫ φ( sω , ) sd + ∫ψ( sω , ) dBs ( sω , )

0 0

An Itô process is a process that is the result of the sum of two sum-
mands: the first is an ordinary integral, the second an Itô integral. Itô
processes are stable under smooth maps, that is, any smooth function
of an Itô process is an Itô process that can be determined through the
Itô formula (see Itô processes below).

■ Step 2: Definition of stochastic differential equations. As we have seen,
it is not possible to write a differential equation plus a white-noise term
which admits solutions in the domain of ordinary functions. However
we can meaningfully write an integral stochastic equation of the form

t t

Xt( ω , ) = ∫ φ( sX, ) sd + ∫ψ( sX, ) dBs

0 0

It can be demonstrated that this equation admits solutions in the
sense that, given two functions φ and ψ , there is a stochastic process X
that satisfies the above equation. We stipulate that the above integral
equation can be written in differential form as follows:

dX t ( ω , ) = φ( tX, ) td + ψ( tX, ) dBt

Note that this is a definition; a stochastic differential equation
acquires meaning only through its integral form. In particular, we can-
not divide both terms by dt and rewrite the equation as follows:

dX t ( ω , ) dBt
---------------------- = φ( tX) + ψ( tX) ---------

, ,

The above equation would be meaningless because the Brownian
motion is not differentiable. This is the difficulty that precludes writ-
ing stochastic differential equations adding white noise pathwise. The
differential notation of a stochastic differential equation is just a
shorthand for the integral notation.
However we can consider a discrete approximation:

∆ X( t ω , ) = φ *( tX, )∆ t+ ψ *( tX, )∆ Bt
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