The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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10-StochDiffEq Page 274 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:51 PM

274 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

where μ ,σ are real constants, and consider the map g(t,x) = log x. In this
case, we can write

∂ g ∂ g 1 ∂^2 g 1
------= 0 , ------ = ---, --------- = ------
∂ t ∂ x x ∂ x^2 x^2

and Itô’s formula yields

dYt = dlog Xt = μ – ---σ^2  dt+ σ dBt
2 


An Itô process defines a process Z(t,ω ) as the sum of the time integral of
the process a(t,ω ) plus the Itô integral of the process b(t,ω ). Suppose
that two functions φ (t,x), ψ (t,x) that satisfy conditions established
below are given. Given an Itô process X(t,ω ), the two processes φ (t,X),
ψ (t,X) admit respectively a time integral and an Itô integral. It therefore
makes sense to consider the following Itô process:

t t

Zt( ω, ) = ∫ φ[ sXs, ( ω, )] ds+ ∫ψ[ sXs, ( ω, )] dBs

0 0

The term on the right side transforms the process Xinto a new process
Z. We can now ask if there are stochastic processes Xthat are mapped
into themselves such that the following stochastic equation is satisfied:

t t

Xt( ω, ) = ∫ φ[ sXs, ( ω, )] ds+ ∫ψ[ sXs, ( ω, )] dBs

0 0

The answer is positive under appropriate conditions. It is possible
to prove the following theorem of existence and uniqueness. Suppose
that a 1-dimensional Brownian motion Bt is defined on a probability
space (Ωℑ ,, P) equipped with a filtration ℑ tand that Btis adapted to
the filtration ℑ t. Suppose also that the two measurable functions φ (t,x),
ψ (t,x) map [0,T] × R→ Rand that they satisfy the following conditions:

2 2
φ( tx, ) + ψ( tx, ) ≤ C( 1 + x , t∈ [ 0 , T] , x∈ R
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