The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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11-FinEcon-Time Series Page 284 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:58 PM

284 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

cations. Spacing of time points might also be irregular but deterministic.
For instance, week-ends introduce irregular spacing in a sequence of
daily closing prices. These questions can be easily handled within the
context of discrete time series.
The diffusion of electronic transactions has made available high-fre-
quency data related to individual transactions. These data are randomly
spaced as the intervals between two transactions are random variables. If
one wants to consider randomly spaced time intervals, discrete-time
models will not suffice; one must use either marked point processes (dis-
cussed briefly in Chapter 13) or continuous-time processes through the
use of master equations. In this chapter and the next we discuss only
time series at discrete and fixed intervals of time. Here we introduce con-
cepts, representations, and models of time series. In the next chapter we
will discuss model selection and estimation.


A time series is a collection of random variables Xt indexed with a dis-
crete time index t = ...–2,–1,0,1,2,.... The variables Xt are defined over a
probability space (Ω,P,ℑ), where Ω is the set of states, P is a probability
measure, and ℑ is the σ-algebra of events, equipped with a discrete fil-
tration {ℑt} that determines the propagation of information (see Chapter
6). A realization of a time series is a countable sequence of real num-
bers, one for each time point.
The variables Xt are characterized by finite-dimensional distributions
(see the section on stochastic processes in Chapter 6) as well as by condi-
tional distributions, Fs(xs/ℑt), s > t. The latter are the distributions of the
variable x at time s given the σ-algebra {ℑt} at time t. Note that condition-
ing is always conditioning with respect to a σ-algebra though (see Chap-
ter 6) we will not always strictly use this notation and will condition with
respect to the value of variables, for instance:

Fs(xs/xt), s > t

If the series starts from a given point, initial conditions must be fixed.
Initial conditions might be a set of fixed values or a set of random vari-
ables. If the initial conditions are not fixed values but random variables,
one has to consider the correlation between the initial values and the ran-
dom shocks of the series. A usual assumption is that the initial conditions
and the random shocks of the series are statistically independent.
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