The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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292 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management


CL()= AL() × BL() = k
k = 0

ck =


∑a^ sbks–

s = 0

We can define the left-inverse (right-inverse) of an infinite series as the oper-
ator A–1(L), such that A–1(L) ×A(L) = I. The inverse can always be com-
puted solving an infinite set of recursive equations provided that a 0 ≠0.
However, the inverse series will not necessarily be stationary. A sufficient
condition for stationarity is that the coefficients of the inverse series are
absolutely summable.
In general, it is possible to perform on the symbolic series



i = 1

the same operations that can be performed on the series



i = 1

with z complex variable. However operations performed on a series of
lag operators neither assume nor entail convergence properties. In fact,
one can think of z simply as a symbol. In particular, the inverse does not
necessarily exhibit absolutely summable coefficients.

Stationary Univariate Moving Average
Using the lag operator L notation, the infinite moving average represen-
tation can be written as follows:

 hiL
xt = εt + m = HL()εt+ m

 (^) i = 0
Consider now the inverse series:

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