The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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11-FinEcon-Time Series Page 294 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:58 PM

294 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

that the (time-invariant) first two moments can be computed in the fol-
lowing way:

cov xt ∑

i= 0

E[]xt = m

with the convention Hi= 0 if i< 0. Note that the assumption that the
Markov coefficients are an absolutely summable series is essential, oth-
erwise the covariance matrix would not exist. For instance, if the Hi
were identity matrices, the variances of the series would become infinite.
As the second moments are all constants, the series is weakly sta-
tionary. We can write the time-independent autocovariance function of

( xth– ) = HiΩΩΩΩ Hih′ –

the series, which is a n× nmatrix whose entries are a function of the lag
h, as

ΓΓΓΓ (^) x ()h =

∑HiΩΩΩΩ^ H′ih–

i= 0

Under the assumption that the Markov coefficients are an abso-
lutely summable series, we can use the lag-operator Lrepresentation
and write the operator

H ()L =


i= 0

so that the Wold representation of a series can be written as

xt = H ()εL + m

The concept of invertibility carries over to the multivariate case. A
multivariate stationary time series is said to be invertible if it can be rep-
resented in autoregressive form. Invertibility means that the white noise
process can be recovered as a function of the series. In order to explain
the notion of invertible processes, it is useful to introduce the generating
function of the operator H, defined as the following matrix power
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