The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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300 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Conversely, if all the roots of the polynomial B(z) are strictly greater
than 1, then the ARMA(p,q) process can be expressed as an autoregres-
sive process:

= -------------xt

Note that in the above discussions every process was centered—that
is, it had zero constant mean. As we were considering stationary pro-
cesses, this condition is not restrictive as the eventual nonzero mean can
be subtracted.
Note also that ARMA stationary processes extend through the
entire time axis. An ARMA process, which begins from some initial con-
ditions at starting time t =0, is not stationary even if its roots are
strictly outside the unit circle. It can be demonstrated, however, that
such a process is asymptotically stationary.

Nonstationary Univariate ARMA Models
So far we have considered only stationary processes. However, ARMA
equations can also represent nonstationary processes if some of the
roots of the polynomial A(z) are equal to 1 in modulus. A process
defined by the equation

AL()xt = BL()εt

is called an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) process
if at least one of the roots of the polynomial Ais equal to 1 in modulus.
Suppose that λbe a root with multiplicity d. In this case the ARMA rep-
resentation can be written as

A′()L(I– λL) ()ε
xt = BLt

AL()= A′()L(I– λL)d

However this formulation is not satisfactory as the process Ais not
invertible if initial conditions are not provided; it is therefore preferable
to offer a more rigorous definition, which includes initial conditions.
Therefore, we give the following definition of nonstationary integrated
ARMA processes.
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