The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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320 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

bound for the variance σ^2
Y of Y. In fact, under mild regularity condi-
tions, it can be demonstrated that

2 1
σY = var Y ≥ -----

^2 
I = nE ∂
 ------log f(X θ) 

∂θ 

The Cramer-Rao bound can be generalized to the estimates of a k-
vector of parameters θθθθ. In this case, one must consider the Fisher infor-
mation matrix I(θθθθ) (see below) which is defined as the variance-covari-
ance matrix of the vector

------log f(X θ)

It can be demonstrated that the difference between the variance-covari-
ance matrix of the vector θθθθand the inverse of the Fisher information
matrix is a nonnegative definite matrix.
This does not mean that the entries of the variance-covariance
matrix of the vector θθθθare systematically bigger than the elements of the
inverse of the Fisher information matrix. However, we can determine a
lower bound for the variance of each parameter θi. In fact, as all the
diagonal elements a nonnegative definite matrix are nonnegative, the
following relationship holds:

θi = var θi ≥ {I

– (^1) }
In other words, the lower bound of the variance of the i-th parameter
θi is the i-th diagonal entry of the inverse of the Fisher information
matrix. Estimators that attain the Cramer-Rao bound are called efficient
estimators. In the following section we will show that the maximum like-
lihood (ML) estimators attain the Cramer-Rao lower bound and are
therefore efficient estimators.
There are various methodologies for determining estimators. An
important methodology is based on the maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE). MLE is a principle of statistical estimation which, given a para-
metric model, prescribes choosing those parameters that maximize the

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