The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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Financial Econometrics: Model Selection, Estimation, and Testing 321

likelihood of the sample under the model. This idea is highly intuitive: If
one throws a coin and obtains 75 heads out of 100 trials, one believes
that the probabilities of head and tail are ³₄ and ¹⁄₄ respectively and not
that one is experiencing a very unlikely run of heads.
Suppose that an n-sample x = (x 1 ,...,xn) with a joint density function
f(x/θ) is given. Suppose also that the density depends on a set of parame-
ters θ. The likelihood function is any function L(θ) proportional to f(x/θ):

L ()θ ∝f(x θ)

computed on the given sample. The MLE prescribes to choose those
parameters θthat maximize the likelihood. If the sample is formed by
independent draws from a density, then the likelihood is the product of
individual likelihoods:


f(x ⁄ θ)= ∏fx( iθ)

i = 1


L ()θ ∝∏fx( iθ)

i = 1

In this case, in order to simplify calculations, one normally com-
putes the log-likelihood defined as the logarithm of the likelihood, so
that the product is transformed into a sum. As the logarithm is an
increasing function, maximizing the likelihood or the log likelihood
gives the same results.
The MLE is an estimation method which conforms to general scientific
principles. From a statistical point of view, it has interesting properties. In
fact, it can be demonstrated that a ML estimator is an efficient estimator
(that is, an estimator which attains the minimum possible variance).
In the case of independent samples, the classical theory of ML esti-
mators can be resumed as follows. Let Yi, i = 1,2,...,n be n independent
variables with probability density functions fi(yi|θθθθ), where θθθθis a k-vector
of parameters to be estimated. Let the joint density of n independent
observations y = (yi) of the variables Yi be


f(y θ)= ∏fi(yi θ) = L(y θ)

i = 1

The log-likelihood function of the sample is
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