The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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326 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

pt = pt – 1 ++μεt

A time series of this form is called an arithmetic random walk. It is a
generalization of the simple random walk that was introduced in Chap-
ter 6. The arithmetic random walk is the simplest example of an inte-
grated process.
Let’s go back to simple net returns. From the above definition, it is
clear that we can write

1 +Rt =e

+ t

If the white noise is normally distributed, then the returns Rt are lognor-
mally distributed. Recall that we found a simple correspondence
between a geometric Brownian motion with drift and an arithmetic
Brownian motion with drift. In fact, using Itô’s Lemma, we found that,
if the process St follows a geometric Brownian motion with drift

------ =μdt +σdB

its logarithm st = log St then follows the arithmetic Brownian motion
with drift:

1 
ds =

dt +σdB
 2 

In discrete time, there is no equivalent simple formula as we have to
integrate over a finite time step. If the logarithms of prices follow a discrete-
time arithmetic random walk with normal increments, the prices them-
selves follow a time series with lognormal multiplicative increments
written as

+ t
Pt =( 1 +Rt)Pt – 1 =e

Pt – 1

The arithmetic random walk model of log price processes is sug-
gested by theoretical considerations of market efficiency. As we have seen
in Chapter 3, it was Bachelier who first suggested Brownian motion as a
model of stock prices. Recall that the Brownian motion is the continu-
ous-time version of the random walk. Fama and Samuelson formally
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