The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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12-FinEcon-Model Sel Page 332 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:59 PM

332 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

If the entries of the variance-covariance matrix are random but with
nonzero average, it can be demonstrated that a large eigenvalue still
appears. However, a small number of large eigenvalues also appear
while the bulk of the distribution resembles that of a random matrix.
The eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue includes all
components with all equal weights proportional to 1.
If we compute the distribution of the eigenvalues of the variance-
covariance matrix of the S&P 500 over a window of two years, we
obtain a distribution of eigenvalues which is close to the distribution of
a random matrix with some exception. In particular, the empirical dis-
tribution of eigenvalues fits well the theoretical distribution with the
exception of a small number of eigenvalues that have much larger val-
ues. Following the reasoning of Malevergne and Sornette, the existence
of a large eigenvalue with a corresponding eigenvector of 1s in a large
variance-covariance matrix arises naturally in cases where correlations
have a random distribution with a nonzero mean.
This analysis shows that there is little information in the variance-
covariance matrix of a large portfolio. Only a few eigenvalues carry
information while the others are simply the result of statistical fluctua-
tions in the sample correlation. Note that it is the entire matrix which is
responsible for the structure of eigenvalues, not just a few highly corre-
lated assets. This can be clearly seen in the case of a variance-covariance
matrix whose entries are all equal. Clearly there is no privileged correla-
tion between any couple of assets but a very large eigenvalue nevertheless


The analysis of the previous section demonstrates that modeling an
equity portfolio as a set of correlated random walks is only a rough
approximation. Though the random walk test cannot be rejected at the
level of individual securities and though there are significant empirical
correlations between securities, the global structure of large portfolios is
more intricate than a set of correlated random walks.
Failure in modeling log price processes as correlated random walks
might happen for several reasons: There might be nonlinearities in the
DGPs of price processes; dependence between log price processes might
not be linear. There might be structural changes (which are a discrete
form of nonlinearity). What is empirically ascertained is that the vari-
ance-covariance matrix of a large set of price processes is not stable and
that its eigenvalues have a distribution that resembles the distribution of
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