The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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336 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Maximize ωωωωP TΩΩΩΩωωωωP

subject to the normalization condition

ωωωωP P = 1

where the product is a scalar product. It can be demonstrated that the
solution of this problem is the eigenvector ωωωω 1 corresponding to the larg-
est eigenvalue λ 1 of the variance-covariance matrix ΩΩΩΩ. As ΩΩΩΩis a vari-
ance-covariance matrix, the eigenvalues are all real.
Consider next the set of all normalized portfolios orthogonal to ωωωω 1 ,
that is, portfolios completely uncorrelated with ωωωω 1. These portfolios are
identified by the following relationship:

ωωωω 1 ωωωωP = ωωωωP
ωωωω 1 = 0

We can repeat the previous reasoning. Among this set, the portfolio of
maximum variance is given by the eigenvector ωωωω 2 corresponding to the
second largest eigenvalue λ 2 of the variance-covariance matrix ΩΩΩΩ. If
there are n distinct eigenvalues, we can repeat this process n times. In
this way, we determine the n portfolios Pi of maximum variance. The
weights of these portfolios are the ortho-normal eigenvectors of the
variance-covariance matrix ΩΩΩΩ. Note that each portfolio is a time series
which is a linear combination of the original time series Xi. The coeffi-
cients are the portfolios’ weights.
These portfolios of maximum variance are all mutually uncorre-
lated. It can be demonstrated that we can recover all the original return
time series as linear combinations of these portfolios:


Xi = ∑αiPi

i = 1

Thus far we have succeeded in replacing the original n correlated time
series Xi with n uncorrelated time series Pi with the additional insight
that each Xi is a linear combination of the Pi. Suppose now that only p
of the portfolios Pi have a significant variance, while the remaining n-p
have very small variances. We can then implement a dimensionality
reduction by choosing only those portfolios whose variance is signifi-
cantly different from zero. Let’s call these portfolios factors F.
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