The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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13-Fat Tails-Scaling-Stabl Page 366 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:00 PM

366 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

the concept of the Maximum Domain of Attraction (MDA) of an
extreme value distribution H or MDA(H).
A random variable X is said to belong to the MDA(H) of the extreme
value distribution H if there exist constants cn > 0, dn ∈R such that

  • 1 D
    cn (Mn– dn ) →H

Two distribution functions F, G are said to be tail equivalent if they
have the same right endpoints and the following condition holds:

lim ------------- = c , 0 < c < ∞
x → ∞ Gx()

Tail equivalence is an important concept for characterizing MDAs. In
fact, it can be demonstrated that every MDA(H) is closed with respect
to tail equivalence (i.e., if two distribution functions F and G are tail
equivalent F ∈MDA(H) if and only if G ∈MDA(H)). Tail equivalence
allows for a powerful characterization of the three MDAs.
Let’s first define the quantile function. Given a distribution function
F, the quantile function of F, written F←(x), is defined as follows:

F←(x) = inf[s ∈R: F(s) ≥x], 0 < x < 1

The MDA of the Frechet Distribution
The Frechet distribution is written as Φα()x = exp(–x –α). Let’s start by
observing that the tail of the Frechet distribution decays as an inverse power
law. In fact, we can write 1 – Φα()x = 1 – exp(–x –α) ≈x –α for x → ∞.
It can be demonstrated that a distribution function F belongs to the
MDA of a Frechet distribution Φα()x , α> 0 if and only if there is a
slowly varying function L such that Fx()= x –αLx(). In this case, the
constants assume the values

c = ( 1 ⁄F

n )()n , dn = 0

We can rewrite this condition more compactly as follows:

F ∈MDA(Φα) F∈ ⇔ R–α

From the above definitions it can be demonstrated that the follow-
ing five distributions belong to the MDA of the Frechet distribution: (1)
Pareto; (2) Cauchy; (3) Burr; (4) Stable laws with exponent α< 2; or (5)
log-gamma distribution.
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