The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

14-Arbitrage Page 405 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:08 PM

Arbitrage Pricing: Finite-State Models 405

P({}ω ∩Akt) P({}ω )
P({}ω Akt)= ------------------------------------ = -------------------, if ω ∈Akt , 0 if ω∉Akt
PA( kt) PA( kt)

Given that the probability space is finite,

PA( jt)= ∑ pω

ω ∈Ajt

As we defined P({ω}) ≡pωthe previous equation becomes

P({}ω ∩Akt) P({}ω ) pω
P({}ω Akt )= ------------------------------------ = ------------------- = ----------------------------
PA( kt) PA( kt) 

 ∑ pω

ω ∈Akt

if ω ∈Akt , 0 if ω ∉Akt.

Pricing Relationships
We can now write the pricing relationship as follows:

  T i
i 1 

SAkt = ---------- ∑ P({}ω Akt) ∑ πj()ωdj()

πAkt ω ∈A   j = t + 1 
 
 
1  pω  T

= ---------- ∑ ---------------------------- ∑ πj()di ω

π ω ∈A

 ∑

ω j()
j = t + 1 
Akt pω 
ω ∈A

Akt ∈It , 1 ≤k ≤Mt

The above formulas generalize to any trading strategy. In particular,
if there is a state-price deflator, the market value of any trading strategy
is given by

θθθθ = -----^1 E
t ×St

πjdj θ
j t += 1


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