The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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414 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

0.25 × 38 × π 2 () 1 +0.25 × 115 × π 2 () 2 – 69.12 ×0.5 × πA 11 , = 0

0.25 × 42 × π 2 () 1 +0.25 × 130 × π 2 () 2 – 75.27 ×0.5 × πA 11 , = 0

( 55 ×0.5 +0.5 × 15 ) × πA 11 , +(70.25 ×0.5 +0.5 × 20 ) × πA 21 ,

  • 67.125 × πA 10 , = 0

It can be verified that this system, obviously, is solvable and returns the
same state-price deflators as in the previous example.

Equivalent Martingale Measures
We now introduce the concept and properties of equivalent martingale
measures. This concept has become fundamental for the technology of
derivative pricing. The idea of equivalent martingale measures is the fol-
lowing. Recall from Chapter 6 that a martingale is a process Xt such
that at any time t its conditional expectation at time s, s > t coincides
with its present value: Xt = Et[Xs]. In discrete time, a martingale is a
process such that its value at any time is equal to its conditional expec-
tation one step ahead. In our case, this principle can be expressed in a
different but equivalent way by stating that prices are the discounted
expected values of future payoffs. The law of iterated expectation then
implies that price plus payoff processes are martingales.
In fact, assume that we can write


St =Et ∑ dj

j =t + 1

then the following relationship holds:


St =Et ∑ dj =Et dt + 1 +Et + 1 ∑ dj =Et[dt + 1 +St + 1 ]

j =t + 1 j =t ++ 11

Given a probability space, price processes are not, in general, martin-
gales. However it can be demonstrated that, in the absence of arbitrage,
there is an artificial probability measure in which all price processes,
appropriately discounted, become martingales. More precisely, we will see
that in the absence of arbitrage there is an artificial probability measure Q
in which the following discounted present value relationship holds:
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