The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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14-Arbitrage Page 430 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:08 PM


430 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management


Let’s now discuss the discrete-time, continuous-state setting. This is an
important setting as it is, for example, the setting of the Arbitrage Pric-
ing Theory (APT) Model that we will discuss later in this chapter.
As in the previous discrete-time, discrete-state setting, we use the
probabilistic concepts developed in Chapter 6. The economy is repre-
sented by a probability space (Ω,ℑ,P) where Ω is the set of possible
states, ℑ is the σ-algebra of events (formed, in this continuous-state set-
ting, by a nondenumerable number of events), and P is a probability
function. As the number of states is infinite, the probability of each state
is zero and only events, in general, formed by nondenumerable states,
have a finite probability. There are only a finite number of dates from 0
to T. Recall from Chapter 6 that the propagation of information is rep-
resented by a finite filtration ℑt, t = 0,1,...,T. In this case, the filtration ℑt
is not equivalent to an information structure It.
Each security i is characterized by a payoff process dti and by a
price process S i i

i. In this continuous-state setting, d
t and St are formed
by a finite number of continuous variables. As before, di t() ω and Si t() ω
are, respectively, the payoff and the price of the i-th asset at time t, 0 ≤ t
≤ T and in state ω ∈ Ω. Following Chapter 6, all payoffs and prices are
stochastic processes adapted to the filtration ℑ.
To develop an intuition for continuous-state arbitrage pricing, con-
sider the previous multiperiod, finite-state case with a very large number
M of states, M>>N where N is the number of securities. Recall from our
earlier discussion in this chapter that risk-neutral probabilities can be
computed solving the following system of linear equations:

ω ∈ Akt,


dj i () ω

  • – SAi kt
    = t + 1


∑ =^0


∑ qω =^1

ω = 1

Recall also that at each date t the information structure It partitions the
set of states into Mt subsets. Each partition therefore yields N × Mt
equations and the system is formed by a total of
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