The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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446 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

  1. Prices Sti are equal to the normalized conditional expectation of pay-
    offs deflated with state prices under the real probabilities:


= -----Et ∑ πjdj

πt j = t + 1

  1. Prices Sti are equal to the conditional expectation of discounted payoffs
    under the risk-neutral probabilities

Q dj


Sti = Et ∑

j = t + 1 ,

State-price deflators and risk-neutral probabilities can be computed solv-
ing systems of linear equations for a kernel of basic assets. The above
relationships are algebraic linear equations that fix all price processes.
In a continuous-state, continuous-time setting, the principle of arbi-
trage pricing is the same. In the absence of arbitrage, given a number of
basic price and payoff stochastic processes, other processes are fixed.
The latter are called redundant securities as they are not necessary to fix
prices. If markets are complete, every price process can be fixed in this
way. In order to make computations feasible, some additional assump-
tions are made, in particular all payoff-rate and price processes are
assumed to be Itô processes.
The theory of arbitrage pricing in a continuous-state, continuous-
time setting uses the same tools as in a discrete-state, discrete-time set-
ting. Under an equivalent martingale measure, all price processes
become martingales. Therefore prices can be determined as discounted
present value relationships. Equivalent martingale measures are the
same concept as state-price deflators: After appropriate deflation, all
processes become martingales. The key point of arbitrage pricing theory
is that both equivalent martingale measures and state-price deflators can
be determined from a subset of the market. All other processes are
In the following sections we will develop the theory of arbitrage
pricing in steps. First, we will illustrate the principles of arbitrage pric-
ing in the case of options, arriving at the Black-Scholes option pricing
formula. We will then extend this theory to more general derivative
securities. Subsequently, we will state arbitrage pricing theory in the
context of equivalent martingale measures and of state-price deflators.
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