The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

15-ArbPric-ContState/Time Page 453 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:08 PM

Arbitrage Pricing: Continuous-State, Continuous-Time Models 453

Let’s now generalize the price process of the underlying stock. We
represent the underlying stock price process as a generic Itô process.
Recall from Chapter 8 that a generic univariate Itô process can be repre-
sented through the differential stochastic equation:

dSt = μ(St, t)dt + σ(St, t)dBt ; S 0 = x

where x is the initial condition, B is a standard Brownian motion, and
μ(St,t) and (St,t) are given functions R × [0,∞) → R. The geometric
Brownian motion is a particular example of an Itô process.
Let’s now define the bond price process. We retain the risk-free
nature of the bond but let the interest rate be stochastic. Recall that in a
discrete-state, discrete-time setting, a bond was defined as a process
that, at each time step, exhibits the same return for each state though
the return can be different in different time steps. Consequently, in con-
tinuous-time we define a bond price process as the following integral:


∫rS(u, u)ud

t = V 0 e

where r is a given function that represents the stochastic rate. In fact,
the rate r depends on the time t and on the stock price process St. Appli-
cation of Itô’s lemma shows that the bond price process satisfies the fol-
lowing equation:

dVt = VtrS( t, t)dt

We can now use the same reasoning that led to the Black-Scholes
formula. Suppose that there are both an option pricing function Yt =
C(St,t) and a replicating self-financing trading strategy

t = θt Vt + θt St

We can now write a stochastic differential equation for the process Yt in
two ways:

  1. Applying Itô’s lemma to Yt = C(St,t)
    1 2

  2. Directly to Yt = θt Vt + θt St

The first approach yields
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