The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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454 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

∂CS( t, t) ∂CS( t, t) 1 ∂^2 CS( t, t)
dYt = ----------------------+ ----------------------μ(St, t) + ----------------------------σ^2 (St, t) dt

∂t ∂St (^2) ∂S
∂CS( t, t)

  • ----------------------σ(St, t)dBt
    The second approach yields
    dYt = [θtrSt, t)Vt + θt μ(St, t)]dt + θt
    σ(St, t)dBt
    Equating coefficients in dt, Db we obtain the trading strategy
    θ^11 ( ∂CS( t, t)
    t = ------CSt, t) – ----------------------St
    Vt ∂St
    θ^2 ∂CS( t, t)
    t = ----------------------
    and the PDE
    ( , ( , ( ,
    ( , ( , ( ,
    ∂Cx t) ∂Cx t) 1 ∂^2 Cx t)

  • rx t)Cx t) + rx t)---------------------x + ---------------------+ --------------------------σ ,
    (xt) = 0

∂x ∂t (^2) ∂x^2
with the boundary conditions C(ST,T) = g(ST). Solving this equation we
obtain a candidate option pricing function. In each specific case, one
can then verify that the option pricing function effectively solves the
option pricing problem.
We now extend the concepts of state prices and equivalent martingale
measures to a continuous-state, continuous-time setting. As in the previ-
ous sections, the economy is represented by a probability space (Ω, ℑ, P)
where Ω is the set of possible states, ℑ is the σ-algebra of events, and P
is a probability measure. Time is a continuous variable in the interval
[0,T]. The propagation of information is represented by a filtration ℑt.

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