The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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456 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Y is a regular deflator, a trading strategy θ is self-financing with respect
to the price process X = (X^1 ,...,XN) if and only if it is self-financing with
respect to the deflated price process

XY = (Y^1 N
tXt , ..., YtXt )

In addition, it can be demonstrated that the price process X =
(X^1 ,...,XN) admits no arbitrage if and only if the deflated price process

XY = (Y^1 N
tXt , ..., YtXt )

admits no arbitrage.
A state-price deflator is a deflator π with the property that the
deflated price process Xπ is a martingale. As explained in Chapter 6, a
martingale is a stochastic process Mt such that its current value equals
the conditional expectation of the process at any future time: Mt =
Et[Ms], s > t. For each price process Xti , the following relationship
therefore holds:

πtXt = Et[πX
s s ] , s > t

This definition is the equivalent in continuous time of the definition of a
state-price deflator that was given in discrete time in the previous chap-
ter. In fact, recall that we defined a state-price deflator as a process π
such that



= -----Et ∑ πjdj

πt j = t + 1

If there is no intermediate payoff, as in our present case, the previous
relationship can be written as

i i i
πtSt = Et[πTST
] = Et[Et + 1 [πTST]] = Et[πt + 1 St + 1 ]

The next proposition states that if there is a regular state-price
deflator then there is no arbitrage. The demonstration of this proposi-
tion hinges on the fact that, as the deflated price process is a martingale,
the following relationship holds:
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