The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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16-Port Selection Mean Var Page 478 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:09 PM

478 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

The investor’s problem is again a constrained optimization problem
that can be stated as

min () σ a^2 = min( wR ′ ΣΣΣΣwR)

subject to the constraints

μ a = wR ′ μμμμ+ ( 1 – wR ′ ιιι) Rf

This problem can be solved again with the method of Lagrange multipli-
ers. The Lagrangian is

L = wR ′ ΣΣΣΣwR + d[μ a – wR ′ μμμμ– ( 1 – wR ′ ιιι) Rf]

Equating to zero the derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to
the weights and to the Lagrange multiplier d, we obtained the solution
of the constrained minimization problem. The solution of this problem
has an interesting feature that leads to the CAPM as we will see in the
next chapter. In fact, developing the lengthy computations, the optimal
portfolio weights can be written as

wR = CΣΣΣΣ–^1 (μμμμ– Rfιιιι)

μ a – Rf
C = --------------------------------------------------------
(μμμμ– Rfιιιι)′ ΣΣΣΣ–^1 (μμμμ– Rfιιιι)

The above formula shows that the weights of the risky assets of any
minimum-variance portfolio are proportional to the same vector. The
proportionality constant is C. Therefore, with a risk-free asset, all mini-
mum variance portfolios are a combination of the risk-free asset and of a
given risky portfolio. This risky portfolio is called the tangency portfolio.
With the exception of the tangency portfolio, the minimum variance
portfolios that are a combination of the tangency portfolio and the risk-
free asset are superior to the portfolio on the Markowitz efficient frontier
that has the same level of risk.

Deriving the Capital Market Line
To derive the Capital Market Line (CML), we begin with the efficient fron-
tier. In the absence of a risk-free asset, Markowitz efficient portfolios can
be constructed as a constrained minimum problem based on expected
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