The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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16-Port Selection Mean Var Page 488 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:09 PM

488 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

processes are random walks. This assumption entails that the expected
returns of each asset are known constants. Later in this chapter we will
consider autoregressive linear models and nonlinear models that follow
a more complex dynamics than the assumption of IID variables.

The Utility Function
In the mean-variance framework, utility functions are defined on
expected returns and variances. The probability structure of returns is
summarized by returns and variances. Utility functions express the
trade-off between risk and return preferred by the investor or by the
asset manager. By choosing a utility function, an investor decides how
much return he or she wants to be compensated for taking more risk.
The choice of utility functions is dictated by (1) a question of mathemat-
ical and computational tractability and (2) the risk-return preferences of
the investor.
In the one-period framework of Markowitz, utility is a function of
two variables: mean and variance. In this way, the problem of portfolio
choice becomes a problem of finding the return-variance pair with the
maximum utility:

arg maxU( w ⁄ μμμμ, ΣΣΣΣ)

where “arg” is shorthand to denote “argument” and with the con-

μ a = wa ′ μμμμ

w′ι = 1 , ιιιι′ = [ 11 ,,..., 1 ]

This is a problem of constrained maximum. Additional constraints
might be imposed, for instance, that weights are all positive and/or that
weights are within given intervals. The first condition precludes short
selling; the second condition ensures that no asset has a weight either
too big or too small.
In a more general probabilistic setting, utility functions are defined on
the variables of interest, be they returns or consumption. The investor’s risk
preference is represented by the shape of the utility function. A linear func-
tion corresponds to risk neutrality. A concave function, that is, a function
with negative second derivative, expresses risk aversion in so far as utility
grows less rapidly than the variable.
A formal measure of absolute risk aversion is defined as
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