The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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18-MultiFactorModels Page 538 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:10 PM

538 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Dynamic market models of this type can be used to create meaning-
ful scenarios for multistage stochastic optimization. The VAR part of
the model might describe the evolution of macroeconomic variables. If
the objective is to apply multistage optimization and stay within the
domain of linear models of returns, state-space models are the models of
choice. As we have seen in Chapter 11, any stationary or asymptotically
stationary linear model can be represented in this form.

Estimation of State-Space Models
Methods for the estimation of state-space models were originally devel-
oped for engineering applications. State-space systems can be estimated
using MLE methods.^5 In 1990 Masanao Aoki^6 introduced a methodol-
ogy called the subspace algorithm to estimate state-space models; Diet-
mar Bauer and Martin Wagner^7 subsequently showed how to apply
subspace algorithms to cointegrated systems.
It was R. E. Kalman^8 who, in 1960, introduced a recursive methodol-
ogy for making forecasts based on state-space models. Known as the Kal-
man filter, the methodology proved very successful in engineering before
being applied more recently in economics and finance. Given a state-space
model, a Kalman filter computes recursively the best estimate of state:

tt ˆz = Ez[ tr^0 , ..., rt]

Kalman filters are now implemented in many software packages.


The models discussed above are single factor or multifactor linear mod-
els of returns; the risk-return trade-off entailed by these models leads to
price processes that diverge exponentially. To see this point, consider
that, given log prices, returns are approximately differences of log-
prices. Therefore, log-prices are obtained by adding returns (i.e., they
are a random-walk) and the real prices are then obtained taking the

(^5) See, for instance, Helmut Luetkepohl, Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analy -
sis (New York: Springer, 1991).
(^6) Masanao Aoki, State Space Modelling of Time Series (New York: Springer, 1990).
(^7) D. Bauer and M. Wagner, “Estimating Cointegrated Systems Using Subspace Algo -
rithms,” Journal of Econometrics 11 (2002), pp. 47–84.
(^8) R.E. Kalman, “A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems,”
Transactions of the ASME-Journal of Basic Engineering (March 1960), pp. 35–45.

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