The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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554 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

■ Step 3. Obtain the difference between the values found in Step 1 and
Step 2. The difference is referred to as the active return.
■ Step 4. Compute the standard deviation of the active returns. The
resulting value is the tracking error.

The tracking error measurement is in terms of the observation
period. So, if monthly returns are used, the tracking error is a monthly
tracking error. Typically, tracking error is computed using either weekly
or monthly data. Tracking error is annualized as follows:

Annual tracking error = Monthly tracking error × f

where f is 12 for monthly observations or 52 for weekly observations.
A portfolio created to match the benchmark index (i.e., an index
fund) that regularly has zero active returns (that is, always matches its
benchmark’s actual return) would have a tracking error of zero. But a
portfolio that is actively managed that takes positions substantially dif-
ferent from the benchmark would likely have large active returns, both
positive and negative, and thus would have an annual tracking error of,
say, 5% to 10%. A hybrid portfolio (e.g., enhanced index fund) that
combines an index portfolio with an active portfolio would typically
have a tracking error below 2%.
An enhanced index portfolio’s is simply a combination of an
indexed portfolio and an active portfolio. That is, the tracking error of
the enhanced index portfolio is simply the tracking error of the active
portion times its weight in the overall portfolio. For example, if the
active portion constitutes 10% of the enhanced index fund (the other
90% being indexed), and the tracking error of the active portion is 5%,
then the tracking error of the enhanced index fund is 0.5% (= 10% ×
5%). To see this, let r = return, w = weight, σ^2 (.) = variance, and ρ(.,.) =
correlation. Using the following notation for subscripts, b = benchmark,
I = indexed portfolio, a = active portfolio, p = enhanced index portfolio
(a combination of the indexed portfolio and the active portfolio), then

rp = wi ri + wara

since wi + wa = 1,

rp – rb = wi (ri – rb) + wa (ra – rb)

So, the tracking error variance of the enhanced index portfolio equals
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