The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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20-Term Structure Page 624 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:33 PM

624 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Spot Rates: Continuous Case
Assume for the moment that the evolution of short-term interest rates is
deterministic and it is known. Thus, at any time tthe function i(s) that
describes the short-term rate is known for every moment s≥t. Recall
that i(s) is the limit of the interest rate for an interval that tends to zero.
Earlier in this chapter we established that the value at time t 1 of capital
of a risk-free bond paying B(t 2 ) at time t 2 is given by

  • ∫t^2 is()ds
    ()= Bt^1
    Bt 1 () 2 e

The yield over any finite interval (t 1 ,t 2 ) is the constant equivalent
interest rate

t 2
Rt 1

over the same interval (t 1 ,t 2 ) which is given by the equation


  • (t 2 – t 1 )Rt^22 is()ds
    Bt 1 ()e^1 = Bt 2

  • ∫t

()= Bt^1
2 ()e

Given a short-term interest rate function i(t), we can therefore
define the term structure function Ru
t as the number which solves the


  • (ut–)Ru t –∫t ()ds
    e = e

In a deterministic setting, we can write


t = ----------------∫is()ds

(ut– )t

This relationship does not hold in a stochastic environment, as we will
see shortly. From the above it is clear that Ru t is the yield of a risk-free
bond over the interval (t,u). The function

  • uis

Λu= e∫t ()ds

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