The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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630 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

with boundary conditions F(x,T) = Ψ(x). Consider now the stochastic
differential equation

dXs= μ(Xs , t)dt+ σ(Xs, t)dBs , s∈ [t,T], Xt = x

There is a fundamental relationship between the two equations given by
the Feynman-Kac formula, which states that

Fxt( , ) = Et [Ψ(XT ) Xt = x]

The meaning of this relationship can be summarized as follows. A
PDE with the related boundary conditions F(x,T) = Ψ(x) is given. The
solution of this PDE is a function of two variables F(x,t), which assumes
the value Ψ(x) for t = T. A stochastic differential equation (SDE) is asso-
ciated to this equation. The two coefficients of the PDE are the drift and
the volatility of the SDE. The solution of the SDE starts at (x,t). For
each starting point (x,t), consider the expectation Et[Ψ(XT)]. This
expectation coincides with F(x,t).
One might wonder how it happened that a conditional expectation—
which is a random variable—has become the perfectly deterministic solu-
tion of a PDE. The answer is that F(x,t) associates the expectation of a
given function Ψ(XT) to each starting point (x,t). This relationship is
indeed deterministic while the starting point depends on the evolution
of the stochastic process which solves the SDE. It is thus easy to see why
the above is a consequence of the backward Kolmogorov equation
which associates to each starting point (x,t) the conditional probability
density of XT.
We can now make the final step and state the Feynman-Kac equa-
tion in a more general form. In fact, it can be demonstrated that, given
the following PDE:

∂Fxt( , ) 1 ∂^2 Fxt( , ) ( ,
--------------------+ ---σ^2 (xt, )----------------------+ μ(xt)--------------------– fxt( , )Fxt( , ) = 0

∂t (^2) ∂x^2 ∂x
with boundary conditions F(x,T) = Ψ(x) and given the stochastic equa-
dXs= μ(Xs , t)dt+ σ(Xs, t)dBs , s∈ [t,T], Xt = x
the following relationship holds:

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