The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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636 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

The Vasicek Model
In 1977, Oldrich Vasicek proposed the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a
model of interest rates to produce a one-factor equilibrium model.^13 In
the Vasicek model α= 0,

μ(it, )= (Li– )

Li– ˆ
di = -----------dt + σdB

where L and T are constants.
The Vasicek model is a mean-reverting process as interest rates are
pulled back to the value L. Interest rates exhibit mean reversion proper-
ties, a fact that the Vasicek models correctly address. However, having
only three free parameters, the Vasicek model is difficult to fit to the ini-
tial term structure.

The Hull-White Model
In 1990 Hull and White proposed a mean-reverting model that generalizes
the Vasicek model.^14 The Hull-White model is given by the choice α= 0,

(Lt()– i)
μ(it, )= -----------------------

with time-variable volatility

Lt()– i
di = ------------------dt + σ()tdBˆ

The Hull-White model has enough parameters to be fitted to any
initial term structure.

(^13) Oldrich Vasicek, “An Equilibrium Characterization of the Term Structure,” Jour-
nal of Financial Economics (1977), pp. 177–188.
(^14) J. Hull and A. White, “Pricing Interest Rate Derivative Securities,” Review of Fi-
nancial Studies 3 (1990), pp. 573–592, and, “One Factor Interest Rate Models and
the Valuation of Interest Rate Derivative Securities,” Journal of Financial and Quan-
titative Analysis (1993), pp. 235–254.

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