The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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22-Credit Risk Model Derivs Page 682 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:12 PM

682 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

protection seller even if the other four reference entities subsequently have
a credit event. If a payout is triggered only after there is a second default
from among the reference entities, the swap is referred to as a second-to-
default basket swap. So, if there is only one reference entity for which
there is a default over the tenor of the swap, the protection seller does not
make any payment. If there is a default for a second reference entity while
the swap is in effect, there is a payout by the protection seller and the
swap terminates. The protection seller does not make any payment for a
default that may occur for the three remaining reference entities.

Subordinate and Senior Basket Credit Default Swaps
In a subordinate basket default swap there is (1) a maximum payout for
each defaulted reference entity and (2) a maximum aggregate payout
over the tenor of the swap for the basket of reference entities. For exam-
ple, assume there are five reference entities and that (1) the maximum
payout is $10 million for a reference entity and (2) the maximum aggre-
gate payout is $10 million. Also assume that defaults result in the fol-
lowing losses over the tenor of the swap:

Loss result from default of first reference entity = $6 million
Loss result from default of second reference entity = $10 million
Loss result from default of third reference entity = $16 million
Loss result from default of fourth reference entity = $12 million
Loss result from default of fifth reference entity = $15 million

When there is a default for the first reference entity, there is a $6
million payout. The remaining amount that can be paid out on any sub-
sequent defaults for the other four reference entities is $4 million. When
there is a default for the second reference entity of $10 million, only $4
million will be paid out. At that point, the swap terminates.
In a senior basket default swap there is a maximum payout for each
reference entity but the payout is not triggered until after a specified
threshold is reached. To illustrate, again assume there are five reference
entities and the maximum payout for an individual reference entity is
$10 million. Also assume that there is no payout until the first $40 mil-
lion of default losses (the threshold). Using the hypothetical losses
above, the payout by the protection seller would be as follows. The
losses for the first three defaults is $32 million. However, because the
maximum loss for a reference entity, only $10 million of the $16 million
is applied to the $40 million threshold. Consequently, after the third
default, $26 million ($6 million + $10 million + $10 million) is applied
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