The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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22-Credit Risk Model Derivs Page 730 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:12 PM

730 The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management

Ji = aiqM + qi

where qM is the market jump process and qi is the idiosyncratic jump
process. The coefficient ai is to capture different correlation levels. The
joint event is then

corr(Ji,Jj)= aiajvar[qM]

Correlating Default Times
Before we discuss how the default correlation is introduced, we need to
discuss how single issuer default is modeled. The approach used is
equivalent to the Jarrow-Turnbull model.^48 A hazard rate, λ(t), is intro-
duced where λ(t)dt is the probability of defaulting in a small time inter-
val dt. This leads to the definition of the survival probability

Q( 0 ,T)= exp–∫

 λs

()sd 

The probability of surviving to a time T and then defaulting in the
next instant is therefore given by the density function:



  • dQ = λT  λs

()sd dT

In the simple case when the hazard rate is constant over time so that
λ(t) = λwe have

  • dQ = λexp(–λT)dT

From this we see that the probability of defaulting at time T as
given by –dQ shows that default times are exponentially distributed. By
extension, the average time to default is given by computing


〈〉T = λ ∫Texp(–λT)dT = ---

0 λ

(^48) Robert Jarrow and Stuart Turnbull, “Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities
Subject to Default Risk,” Journal of Finance 20, no. 1 (1995), pp. 53–86.

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