The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 760 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

760 Index

Cauchy initial value problem,
260, 263
Causal autoregressive represen -
tation, 299
Causal time series, 289
Cell matching, 650
Cellular method, 564
Central auction specialist sys -
tems, 45–46
Central limit theorem, 358–360
Cerchi, Marlene, 574
Certificate of deposit (CD), 38.
See also Fixed-rate CD;
Floating-rate CD
issuance, 43
Chain rule, 109. See also Inte -
application, 115–118
Chaitin, Gregory J., 318
Change, instantaneous rate, 91
Chaos, 256–259. See also Non -
linear dynamics
characteristics, 257–258
Characteristic equation, 161,

  1. See also Inverse
    characteristic equation
    Characteristic function. See
    Characteristic line, 517
    estimation, 518
    Characteristic polynomial, 161
    Chartists, 571
    Cheapest to deliver
    asset, 63
    concept, 681
    Chen, Nai-Fu, 436
    Chen, Ren-Raw, 679, 695, 700,
    701, 710, 711, 714, 722,
    724, 734
    Chobanov, G., 389
    Choudhry, Moorad, 632, 633,
    679, 695, 710, 714, 734
    Chow, Yuan Shih, 174, 193
    Christensen, Peter F., 664, 667
    Cizeau, P., 329
    Claims. See Seasoned claims
    contrast, 25
    maturity, 25
    Clark, P.K., 383
    Classical economic theories. See
    Term structure
    Clean price, 53
    association, 59
    purpose, 57–58
    Client-designated benchmark, 40
    Client-imposed constraints, 5
    Closed-end funds, sale, 42–43
    Closed-form solutions, 693,

  2. See also Ordinary
    differential equations
    Clustering, 562
    Coefficient matrix, 150
    rank, 400

Coefficient of determination.
See Determination
Coefficients, restrictions (absence),

Coherent risk measure, 749
Cointegrated indexes, search -
ing, 577
Cointegrated models, 286
Cointegrated systems, estima-
tion/testing, 543–544
Cointegration, 12, 339–345.
See also Index; Polyno-
mial cointegration; State-
space cointegration
approach. See Dynamic Coin-
tegration Approach
definition, 341
empirical evidence. See Equity
equivalence, 541
evidence, 545. See also Assets
financial time series, relation -
ship, 544–546
Cointegration-based strategies, 574
Collective risk problem, 80
Collins, Bruce M., 33
Colored noise, 379
Column rank, 151–153
Column vectors, 142
Commercial mortgages, 653
Commissions, 33. See also Bro -
Commodity, price, 53–54
Commodity futures, 57
Commodity Futures Trading Com -
mission (CFTC), 57, 65
Common factor risks, 578
Common risks, 582
Common stocks, 3, 21, 42, 45–

  1. See also Non-U.S.
    common stocks
    common trends, multifactor
    models (usage), 529
    institutional investors, 50–51
    orders, types, 48–49
    arrangements, 48–51
    locations, 45–46
    Common trends, 341, 344. See
    also n-r common trends
    searching, 577
    Common-trend cointegrated model,

Company specific effect, 722
Company-specific risk, 515
Complete markets, 399–402
equivalent Martingale mea-
sures, usage, 463
Complex matrix, 145
Complex numbers, definition, 143
Component zero-coupon instru -
ments, total value, 603
Composite function, 101, 109,

Compound option, 690–691

model. See Geske compound
option model
Compound return, 325
Computer-based optimization
theory, 82
Computer-generated indepen -
dent arithmetic random
walks, 544
Computers, price-performance
ratio, 11–12
Conditional CAPM, 511, 523–524
Conditional default probability, 701
Conditional distributions, 284
Conditional expectation, 184–
186, 197, 630
Conditional order, 48
Conditional probability, 184–186
definition, 78–79
Conditional VaR (CVaR), 749
Consensus investors, 566
Constant interest rates, convexity,

Constant terms, 150
Constrained optimization prob -
lem, 476
CAPM, 511
infinite stream, 493
process, 404
Continuity, 103–105
Continuous cash flow
rate, 620
stream, 622
present value, 640
Continuous compounding, 112–

Continuous function, 103–104.
See also Discontinuous
function; Left continuous
function; Right continu-
ous function
Continuous quantities, 99
Continuous spot rate curve,
construction, 605
Continuous time. See Bonds;
Interest rates
arbitrage principle, 441–445
usage, 608
Continuous time-path, 223
Continuous trading, 443
Continuously compounding con -
stant interest rate, convex -
ity, 120
Continuous-state arbitrage pric -
ing, development, 430
Continuous-state continuous-time
arbitrage pricing, 445–446
models, 441
Continuous-state setting, 430, 442
Radon-Nikodym derivative,
usage, 465
Continuous-time finance, 445
Continuous-time Markov pro -
cess, 79
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