The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 766 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

766 Index

Independent and identically dis -
tributed (Cont.)
processes, extreme value the -
ory, 362–378
returns, 522
assumption, 492
variables, 362, 368, 437, 531
sequence, 364
Independent and identically dis -
tributed (IID) sequences,
268, 325, 495. See also
Fat-tailed IID sequences;
Stationary IID sequence
assumption, 378
assumption, elimination, 376–388
estimation procedures, 381
normalized maxima, 374
Independent distributed sequences,

Independently distributed (ID)
variables, 359
Indeterminacy principle, 243
Index. See Benchmarks; Markets
tracking/cointegration, 565
Indexed portfolio, construction,
Indexing. See Enhanced indexing
strategy, 564
Indicator function. See Events
Indifference curves, 482–484
Individual investors, 2
Inequality constraints, Markow -
itz mean-variance model
(extension), 485–487
Infinite autoregressive form, 295
Infinite moving average. See Time
representation, 292, 301
Infinite noncountable set, 99
Infinite variation, 106
Infinitesimal calculus, 107
Infinitesimal notation, 109
Infinitesimal quantities, calculus,

Inflation, 593
Information. See Unstructured
acquisition, cost, 28, 83
advantage, 744
costs, 26–27
criteria. See Akaike Informa -
tion Criteria; Bayesian
Information Criteria
overload, 15–16
processing costs, 37
propagation, 181, 402–403
set, 85
structures, 181–183
technology, role, 11–13
Information coefficient (IC), 568–

Information ratio (IR), 568, 570,
751, 753
Information Theory, 747

Informationless trades, 33
Ingersoll, Jonathan, 616, 637,

  1. See also Cox-Inger-
    soll-Ross Model
    Initial conditions, 295
    Initial margin, 58
    requirement, 49–50
    Inner product, 155
    Innovation. See Processes
    Inputs, requirement. See Assets
    Instantaneous interest rate, 219.
    See also Risk-free bank
    Institutional investors, 2, 37–41.
    See also Common stocks
    companies, 41, 80
    premiums, establishment, 80
    ruin problem, 80–81
    Intangible assets, 21–22
    Integrals, 172–174. See also
    Improper integrals; Indefi-
    nite integrals; Lebesque-
    Staieltjes integrals; Rie-
    mann integrals
    definition. See Stochastic inte -
    transforms, 134–138
    Integrated GARCH (IGARCH),
    347, 548
    Integrated nonstationary process,

Integrated processes, 311
Integrated series, 309–313
Integrated trends, 309–313
Integration, 127–130
chain rule, 129
Darboux-Young approach, 173
operation, linearity, 133
process, 14–15
Intensity of belief. See Belief
instantaneous rate, 620
payments, receiving, 52
risk-free rate, 447
Interest rate risk, 599, 615
exposure, 44
problem, 44
Interest rate-equity swap, 70
Interest rate-risk based capital
requirements, 5
Interest rates. See Deterministic
short-term interest rates;
Guaranteed interest rate;
Risk-free short-term con-
tinuously compounding
interest rate
calibration. See Random
interest rates
changes, 43, 716
constancy, 119–120
convexity. See Constant inter-
est rates; Continuously
compounding constant

interest rate; Variable
interest rates
derivatives, pricing, 638–640
parallel shift, 114, 668
term structure, 126, 599–612
continuous time, 623–638
Interest ratio. See Short interest
Interest-rate derivatives, class
(pricing), 639
Interior-point algorithms, 210–211
Interior-point methods, 208, 210–

International Swaps and Derivatives
Association (ISDA), 683
Credit Derivatives Definition
(1999), 683
Master Agreement, 683
International treaties, 34–35
Intertek Group, study, 13
Inter-trades intervals, distribu -
tional properties, 383
Interval of convergence. See
Intrinsic value, 66–67. See also
Inverse characteristic equation,
Inverse floaters, 54
Inverse Fourier transform, 137
Inverse function, 101
Inverse Laplace transform, 249
Inverse operation, 159–160
Inverse operators, 291
Inverted yield curve, 612
Investing. See Active investing
Investment. See Direct invest -
alternatives, 4, 45
budget, constraint, 666
companies, 42–43
constraints, 5–6
decision-making process, 13
horizon, 502–503, 607. See
also One-period invest -
ment horizon
applications, CAPM (role),
milestones, 75
objectives, 64
setup, 2
opportunities, 569
measurement/evaluation, 2
monitoring, 552
policy, establishment, 2–6
principles, 81–82
processes. See Semiautomated
investment processes
risk-return trade-off, 81
strategy, 41
selection, 2
vehicles, 51
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