The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 768 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

768 Index

Limit random variable, conver-
gence, 189–190
Limits, 102–103
Lindskog, Filip, 189, 329
Linear conditional factor mod-
els, 531
Linear differential equation, 247–
249, 621
Linear equations
homogeneous system, 409
systems, 149–150
theorem, 150
Linear independence/rank, 151
Linear infinite moving average
representation, 305
Linear models. See Financial time
Linear moving average nonsta-
tionary models, 295–296
Linear objective function, 206–
Linear ODE, 21
Linear programming (LP), 201,
Linear regression, 197–199, 328
model, 530
Linear stochastic equations, 278
Linear utility function, 489
Lintner, John, 75, 86–87, 334,
477, 512
Lippi, M., 334
Lipschitz condition, 242
Liquidation firm, 706
Liquidity, 22. See also Assets
premium, 610, 617
theory, 613, 617. See also
Term structure
Litterman, Robert, 399
Litzenberger, Robert, 520
Lo, Andrew W., 327, 344, 345,
546, 574
Local expectations theory, 616
Location-scale dependent fam-
ily, 368
Loftus, John S., 552
Logarithmic utility function, 489
Log-gamma distribution, 366
Log-likelihood computation, 321
Lognormal distribution, 531
Lognormal model, usage, 692
Lognormally distributed variable,
Log-prices, 538
London Interbank Offered Rate
(LIBOR), 608–610
forward rate curve, 611
interest rate. See Forward
LIBOR interest rate
one-month, 53
one-year, 54
spot rate curve, 611
three-month, 609
usage, 70

Long-memory fractional mod-
els, 346
Long-short equity portfolios, 545
Long-short portfolios, 340
Longstaff, Francis, 695
Lookback option, 423
Lorenz, Edward, 257
Loss analysis, risk, 507
Loss probability, 508
Louveaux, F., 202
Lower Riemann sum, 127
Lower triangular matrix, 148
Low-risk passive portfolio strat-
egies, 42
Lucas, A., 344
Lundberg, Filip, 75, 80–81
Lynch, Peter, 567
M3. See Monetary mass
MacKinley, A. Craig, 327, 344,
345, 546, 574
Maclaurin expansion, f126
Maclaurin power series, 122
Macroeconomic econometric
models, 259
Macroeconomic effect, 722
Macroeconomic factors, identi-
fication, 436
Macroeconomic theory, 532
Maddala, G.S., 543
Maintenance margin, 50, 58
requirements, 58
Malevergne, Y., 331, 492
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 231, 258, 389
Mantegna, R.N., 390
Marcus, L., 214
call, receiving, 50
requirement, 59, 65. See also
Initial margin requirement
transactions, 49–50
Marginal density, 176, 192
Marginal distribution function,
Market. See Complete markets;
Factor; Financial mar-
kets; Product market;
Thin market
capitalization, 3, 94–95. See
also Total market capi-
completeness, 404, 738–744
economics, 742–744
mathematics, 739–742
debt value, 689
impact costs, 33, 63
index, 4
contrast. See Bonds
makers, restrictions, 28, 83
making, 23
model, 524
order, 48
organizational structure, 25
overreaction, 572–573

participants, overview, 21,
portfolio, 86, 481, 525
price efficiency, 7, 31–32
risk, 86, 745–746
reward per unit, 482
segmentation theory, 613, 618
thickness, 31
timing costs, 33
value. See Assets; Liabilities
Market-clearing prices, 29
Market-neutral strategies, 575–
Marketplace price efficiency, 7
Markov chain, 705
Markov coefficients, 293–294,
Markov models, 423
Markov process. See Continu-
ous-time Markov process
Markov switching
method, 547
models, 286, 347–348, 379, 384
Markov switching Hamilton
models, 496
Markov-switching VAR, 548
Markowitz, Harry M., 75, 81–
83, 201, 471, 477, 494,
497, 500, 503–506, 524,
532, 557, 586. See also
Mean-variance analysis
(ed.), 494, 497, 500, 503–506,
524, 532, 557, 558, 582,
583, 586, 588, 590, 651
Markowitz efficient frontier, 474,

  1. See also Ex ante
    Markowitz efficient frontier
    Markowitz efficient portfolios,
    Marsh, T., 377
    Martellini, Lionel, 632, 633
    Martingale, 186
    conditions, system, 432
    measures. See Equivalent
    Martingale measures
    Marxist economics, 78
    Mateev, P., 389
    Mathematical programming
    problem, 201
    Matlab (software), 487
    Matrices, 141, 144–145. See
    also Covariance; Diago-
    nals; Hankel matrices;
    Identity matrix; Lower
    triangular matrix; nxm
    matrix; Random matri-
    ces; Square matrices;
    Transition matrix; Upper
    triangular matrix
    adjoint, 159–160
    algebra, 141, 208
    dimensions, 145
    elements, 144–145
    notation, 207

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