iCreate - UK (2021-07)

(Antfer) #1
Discover iOS 15

Apple announced the

latest incarnations of

iOS and iPadOS at the

recent WWDC21. Here

are the highlights of

what we can expect to

see this autumn

New in Wallet
Ultra Wideband support has been
added to keys so that you can unlock
your home or car without removing your
iPhone from your bag or pocket. You
can also add corporate badges for your
office, add your ID cards and receive
and use hotel keys that are added when
your room is ready.


ery much an iOS for the times,
iOS 15 arrives as we’re still feeling
our way out of lockdown into
a post-COVID world. A world
where things feel relatively
normal, yet we’re still hesitant to get too close
to friends and loved ones. A world where
many of us still work from home, and face the
challenges and potential distractions that it
brings. And a world where the freedom to
travel has been dramatically restricted, possibly
marooning us from family residing in far away
lands. The new update for iPhone and iPad
helps you stay connected to the people who
matter most to you, find the space to focus on
what you need to without distraction, and bring
the world to you in stunning detail. Read on to
discover more about iOS 15’s new features...

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