iCreate - UK (2021-07)

(Antfer) #1

Plan in perfectdetail

Home Design 3 D is a superb macOS app that helps you visualise your redecorations with near-perfect accuracy. It could
easily form the basis of your ideas, and as you work with other apps to gain inspiration, the end results can exist in your
mind way before you finish the project. It takes time, but it’s worth it.

The right tools

One way to save a lot of time is to have as many of the tools you need in your possession before you start. A surprising number of
tasks can be undertaken with digital tools on your iPhone, but you may want to invest in good-quality, reliable tools if you are likely
to use them multiple times.


Convert anything
You will probably need to convert
between units often when measuring,and an
app like Conversion Calculator Pluswill do
the job for free when you need it.


A digital level
An app like Bubble Level will allow you
to ensure that every picture, edge and panel
is straight. It is just as useful as a real level in
some circumstances.


Real tools matter
If you need an expensive tool that will
have the effect of saving you loads of time,
you can find a selection of tool hire apps in the
good old App Store.

Home improvement

Multiple views
An overhead 2D view is
available, alongside a 3D view
and even close-ups that you
can move around inside your
property. You will find that
each view will assist you, in the
Save some time way you plan ahead.
You can import blueprints to
ensure that every aspect of
your virtual plan is accurate,
in terms of dimensions. This
can save you a huge amount
of time in the initial planning
stages, and help to create a
better end result.

It’s all there
The furnitureand artefacts
you need are built into the
app. They may not always be
exact replicas, but offer more
than enough realism to enable
you to planin a highly accurate
environment. Everything you
need is included.

So impressive
You can see how detailed the
view of your house can be in
Home Design 3D. This will of
course take time to create,
but you should also be aware
of how much extra time it
will take to rectify mistakes.
Quality work is worth the time!
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