Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

_____ GeometricaIContructions 4.51

Special Curves

  1. Construct a cycloid having a rolling circle of 60 mm diameter. Also draw a tangent and
    normal at any point P on the curve.

  2. A circle of 40 mm diameter rolls along a straight line without slipping. Draw the curve traced
    by a point on the circumference, for (a) one complete revolution and (b) one and a half
    revolutions of the circle. Name the curve. Draw a normal and tangent to the curve at a point
    25 mm from the straight line.

  3. A circular wheel of diameter 100 mm rolls over a straight surface without slipping. Draw the
    curve traced by a point P for one revolution of the wheel. Assume that the critical position of
    the point P is at the top of the vertical centre line of the wheel. Name the curve.

  4. Draw an epicycloid having a generating circle of diameter 75mm and a directing curve of
    radius 200 mm. Also draw a normal and a tangent at a point P on the curve.

  5. Draw a hypocycloid for a rolling circle of diameter 75 mm and a base circle of 250 mm
    diameter. Draw a tangent and a normal at any point on the curve.

  6. Draw an involutes of a hexagon 000 mm side.

  7. The evolute of a curve is a circle of diameter 30mm. Trace the curve.

  8. Draw the curve traced out by the end of a straight line 308 mm long as it rolls over the
    circumference of a circle 98 mm diameter.

  9. Draw the involute of an isosceles triangle of sides 20 mm, and the other side 15 mm for one

  10. Draw the involute of a semicircle of radius 25 mm.

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