Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

5.14 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------

1. Line perpendicular to v.p and parallel to H.P.

Problem: A line AB 50 mm long is perpendicular to v.p and parallel to HP. Its end A is

20 mm in front of v.p and the line is 40 mm above HP. Draw the projectons of the line.

Solution (Fig. 5.17) : The line is parallel to H.P. Therefore the true length of the line is seen in the

top view. So, top view is drawn fIrst.


--l~ VP
b'(a') b'(a')

'" ~^0 "'"

(^0) (1J^0 I' xH.Po (1J^0 y
r-a a
(^0) lIJ^0 lIJ
'--b H.P b
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5.17 Line perpendicular V.P and parallel to H.P.

  1. Draw xy line and draw a projector at any point on it.

  2. Point A is 20 mm in front ofY.P. Mark a which is the top view of A at a distance of 20 mm
    below xy on the projector.

  3. Mark the point b on the same projector at a distance of 50 mm below a. ab is the top view
    which is true length of AB.

  4. To obtain the front view; mark bl at a distance 40mm above xy line on the same projector.

  5. The line AB is perpendicular to Y.P. So, the front view of the line will be a point. Point A is
    hidden by B. Hence the front view is marked as bl (al). bl coincides with al.

  6. The fmal projections are shown in Fig.5.17c.

  7. Line parallel to both the planes

Problem : A line CD 30 mm long is parallel to both the planes. The line is 40 mm above HP

and 20 mm in front of V.P.Draw its projection.

Solution: (Fig.5.18)
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