Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

5.16 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------

  1. A is 20 mm in front ofY.P. Hence mark a 20 mm below xy.

  2. To obtain the front view al bl; as AB is parallel to V.P and inclined at an angle a to H.P, albl
    will be equal to its true length and inclined at an angle of300to H.P. Therefore draw a line
    from a^1 at an angle 30° to xy and mark bl such taht al bl = 40 mm = true length.

  3. To obtain the top view ab; since the line is inclined to H.P its projection on H.P (its top veiw)
    is reduced in length. From bl draw a projector to intersect the horizontal line drawn from a at
    b. ab is the top view of AB.


  1. Inclination of line with the H.P is always denoted as a.

  2. When a line is parallel to Y.P and inclined at an angle ofa to H.P, this inclination is seen in the
    front view and a indicates always the true inclination with H.P. Hence, front view is drawn
    fIrst to get the true length of the line.

Problem : Draw the projections of straight line AB 60 mm long parallel to HP and inclined

at an angle of 400 to v.P. The end A is 30 mm above HP. and 20 mm in front of v.P.

Solution: (Fig.S.20)

  1. A is 30 mm above H.P, mark aI, 30 mm above xy.



x V.P


Fig. 5.20 Line Parallel to H.P and Inclined to V.P.

  1. A is 20 mm in front ofV.P, mark a 20 mm below xy.




  1. To obtain the top view; asAB is praallel to H.P and inclined at an angle ~ to Y.P, ab will be
    equal to the true length of AB, and inclined at angle ~ to xy. Therefore, draw a line from a
    at 40° to xy and mark b such that ab=60 mm true length.

  2. To obtain the front view albl, since the line is inclined to V.P its projection on Y.P i.e., the front
    view will be reduced in length. Draw from b a projector to intersect the horizontal line drawn
    from a at bl. albl is the front view of AB.

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