5.16 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
- A is 20 mm in front ofY.P. Hence mark a 20 mm below xy.
- To obtain the front view al bl; as AB is parallel to V.P and inclined at an angle a to H.P, albl
will be equal to its true length and inclined at an angle of300to H.P. Therefore draw a line
from a^1 at an angle 30° to xy and mark bl such taht al bl = 40 mm = true length. - To obtain the top view ab; since the line is inclined to H.P its projection on H.P (its top veiw)
is reduced in length. From bl draw a projector to intersect the horizontal line drawn from a at
b. ab is the top view of AB.
- Inclination of line with the H.P is always denoted as a.
- When a line is parallel to Y.P and inclined at an angle ofa to H.P, this inclination is seen in the
front view and a indicates always the true inclination with H.P. Hence, front view is drawn
fIrst to get the true length of the line.
Problem : Draw the projections of straight line AB 60 mm long parallel to HP and inclined
at an angle of 400 to v.P. The end A is 30 mm above HP. and 20 mm in front of v.P.
Solution: (Fig.S.20)
- A is 30 mm above H.P, mark aI, 30 mm above xy.
x V.P
Fig. 5.20 Line Parallel to H.P and Inclined to V.P.
- A is 20 mm in front ofV.P, mark a 20 mm below xy.
- To obtain the top view; asAB is praallel to H.P and inclined at an angle ~ to Y.P, ab will be
equal to the true length of AB, and inclined at angle ~ to xy. Therefore, draw a line from a
at 40° to xy and mark b such that ab=60 mm true length. - To obtain the front view albl, since the line is inclined to V.P its projection on Y.P i.e., the front
view will be reduced in length. Draw from b a projector to intersect the horizontal line drawn
from a at bl. albl is the front view of AB.