5.32 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
(^10) N
d' 0
X - l(
(^0) N
Fig. 5.42
- Line parallel to v.p and inclined to H.P.
Problem: A line AB 40 mm long is parallel to v.P. and inclined at 300 to H.P. The end A is 15 mm
above H.P. and 20 mm in front ofV.P. Draw the projections of the line and fmd its traces.
Solution: (Fig. 5.43)
a'~ .30"
x h/ y
HT -
(^0) N
a b
Fig. 5.43
- Draw the front view a 1 b 1 and top view abo
- Produce blal to meet XY at hi. From hi draw a projector to intersect ba produced at H.T.
- AB is parallel to V.P. Therefore it has no V.T.